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This goes back to Thanksgiving and what happened later that night. I had dinner with my daughters and somehow that day the password to my Netflix got changed. I'm home and online by 9 PM or so and the phone rings.

It was my ex-wife calling from the Dallas area, and you got it -- this was about the Netflix password change. I hadn't heard from her in 11 months and we end up talking for 2 hours. One thing we covered was her not being hired by a pizza place on weekends. This upset her because they said she did not have a green card and her friend works there making $300 to $400 a weekend.

My ex argued that she worked for Raytheon and you have to be a citizen to work there because they are defense contractors. She is wrong. Her next argument is that she has a passport and you have to be a citizen to get a passport. Again my ex is wrong. Once I reminded her of her certificate of naturalized citizenship from the Department of Homeland Security she remembered where that document was. It has a number and a color picture of her and is surrounded with a nice border.

The strange thing here is also the reason I am telling this story. I told it at work and many at my work are poisoned by MAGA hat mentality. I got looks from some of them that seemed to say "well, I don't know but I think he is wrong." I tell this story from experience because her and I have walked that path and the certificate is what you get when you pass the citizenship test.

It is a total shame as to what has happened to our thinking processes in just a sort time.

DenoPenno 9 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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My insurance agent is my friend and when we talk she says "we just don't know what to think or believe any more." I find this very strange because I had no problems 5 years ago. Why would I have them now?

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