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At what age did you first realise most people are brainwashed?

KarlHannah 5 Apr 22

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For me probably around twelve or thirteen, when I realized most of those around me did not read anything but the Bible, if that. I was taught that being informed was a bad thing and intellect was frowned upon by the leaders in the church. This bothered me and caused me to hate ignorance and despise those who encouraged it. Once I discovered the joy of reading I realized ignorance was a tool of manipulation by those in power. From that time on I enjoyed questioning those who discouraged others from thinking on their own and questioning authority.


At 6 I noticed one candidate being favored moreso than the other. I chose the other just to be contrary -- he lost. Then the British Invasion (notably The Beatles) and I noticed the same reaction of the crowds as to JFK. People were fainting, screaming, falling overthemselves to be near. Absolutely appalling to me. My parents didn't see this. It was several years later that I was able to formulate an idea about this characteristic the vast majority of people have. Then I started looking at the concept of brainwashing -- from language, religion, manners, clothing, fitting into the 'norms' of society, etc -- we are all brainwashed to some extent.


That is a good question. I think I first came to that conclusion when my oldest child was school age, so I would have been about 32.


I really can't say because when I was liking my twenties or whatever I felt like I was being judged by Churches and I couldn't understand why this Commandments that people are supposed to obey especially the Christians and why isn't the Sabbath celebrated on the last day of the first day of the week I've always questioned stuff like this and I question why are these people that call themselves Christians are so judgemental and trying to sway my belief or whatever or judge me then I think in my fifties I'm big into learned it all this stuff isn't my fault that people are so damn cruel towards me and these are church-going people then slowly but surely reading a lot of things off the internet like books by Howard Zinn I'm learning how brainwashed we are all and this country or throughout the world and if you tell the truth you get in trouble anyway I'm all mixed up on stuff


I think we are brainwashed in every aspect of life schools churches I think our minds are being controls especially by having a imaginary friend in the sky it's watching everything we do and say I keep thinking why is all this praying to all these churches why isn't all this praying helping making the world a better place my mind goes back and forth if there's some kind of a deity it does actually care for Humanity I haven't seen you haven't so that yet maybe for special people that I put in the category of a Charming cheerful chickenshit


ive never really thought of most people as being brainwashed. i just think they believe what they believe, and some folks can be stubborn about changing their views even when new facts are presented. i did know someone who was actually brainwashed tho...she had lived in a cult for her whole life. she was about 12 when i met her. her mom had joined this group had a kid. she followed their teachings until it got to a point where the head honcho wanted to "marry" her then 11 year old daughter. that was her line that couldnt be crossed. she left and moved to our community. the poor girl was so screwed in the head, she believed stuff like having a period was a sign she was evil, she thought she had to marry a man at least 20 years older than her by the age of 15 or she wouldnt ever get married and that meant she would go to hell, she believed that rape was not rape because if a man wants to do the deed it is his right to take whoever he wants as a mate. she never looked you in the eyes, not even for a second. she believed she had to take tiny steps or it showed she was not a lady. i felt so sorry for her, i hope shes ok now.

Byrd Level 7 Apr 22, 2018
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