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‘Femicide Is Linked To Ecocide’

"People don't understand how dangerous the lives of Indigenous women have gotten. Our conversations shift towards phrases like ‘net zero’ or ‘1.5’, which don’t represent how violent the experience of growing up in an extractive world has become."

This article is a month old, yet the problem has been current for a long time -- years, decades, centuries. (Oh, Yes, I knew a girl who experienced it.)
Question: As individuals and as society ... how does one prevent ecocide, homocide, femicide, actual genocide?

AnonySchmoose 8 Dec 7

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What will it take to sterilize most men and women? (Especially in industrialized countries)

Maybe global warming, air pollution, being anti-max, stupidity, etc. will sterilize them... if we're lucky. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Most of the "-cides" are the result of governments out of control. We in the U.S. were on the brink recently. And we still aren't out of the woods.

Who leads who - government leads corporations or vice versa?

Currently, corporations lead the U.S. government, which is in the hands of the Senate GOP due to dysfunctional aspects of U.S. government, i.e. filibuster, electoral college, political redistricting, voter fraud conspiracy theorists, NRA 2nd amendment 'rights', attack on women's rights, privatized prison for profit system, etc. All of that is enough to weaken democracy and put it totally under control of the monied industrial and military complex.

@AnonySchmoose Karol, I agree with what you wrote, but I think you forgot the most significant problem that is allowing corporations and oligarchs to take over the government: Citizens United. That was the egregious decision by the Supreme Court that allows political contributions in ANY amount by corporations and extremely wealthy people. Now, it is possible to use obscene amounts of money to "buy" elections. (And Steve Bannon did just that.)

Definitely the evil monied powers of Citizens United backed by ALEC have been planning the oligarchy for a long time, and they hope they will have all of us by the scruff of the neck. I feel like they're trying to do that to women through 'their' bodies.


Another raising awareness problem is that of senicide. Governments do not truly care. They want, particularly in Australia, the elderly dead.

They want to commit senicide in the U.S. too. Most elders and even younger people cannot afford horribly extreme medication prices, which the government allows Big Pharma to charge with impunity. We know which part of the government allows it.

"The U.S. healthcare system is of course a thing of nightmares. Insurance payments extract almost half the income of an average family, in return for which the nation consistently ranks last for access, equity, and outcomes of care in periodic studies by the Commonwealth Fund."
"Why change it if it has worked for over 70 years? The UK's NHS."


Atrocious behavior all for money

Shocking that the governments don't step in to stop corporate land grabs, destruction of private property, and physical violence. In some place the governments are not even upholding their own laws which are designed to protect indigenous rights.

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