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You know what's funny about Christmas:

They start with the story of baby Jesus, then,

They add a little drummer boy. Where in the world did that come from?
They add a toy factory at the North Pole.
They add flying reindeer.
They add a man delivering toys to ~1,000,000,000 children in a single night.

Then when kids are between 5 and 10 years old, they catch on the the fact that the toy factory, the flying reindeer, and toy delivery man are all nonsense, but most still believe a story that is even more unlikely:

A being that created the Universe of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars 13,800,000,000 years ago waited 13,799,998,000 years then decided that a particular species on one of the planets that orbited one of the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars needed “saving”, so he impregnated a young Jewish girl who gave birth to his son.

You would think the kids would realize "Oh, it's all BS isn't it?", but many cling to the more unlikely story for the rest of their lives.

BD66 8 Dec 9

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I think the Santa thing is a particular form of cruelty to children who are in dire predicaments.
It doesn't matter how good you are kid, your life will still suck on December 25th too.


I think the whole North Pole Santa thing is American marketing, loosely based on some legend


As Chico Marx said in one of my favorite scenes, "There ain't no Sanity Clause."


The reason the religion is "believed...accepted...bought into...swallowed"... whatever...and the man in the Red Suit with all the accompanying fairytales squashed is simple...the Skygod story promises "ETERNAL LIFE" ... The fear of death has ALWAYS been the threat that is used to sucker everyone in. Add the fire and brimstone to their little fable and you have MASS PANIC...and CONTROL...kind of EXACTLY what Trump and his cronies are doing...CULTISM


I know and it's the evangelicals who believe this. These are the same people who think the vaccine will kill you, the election was a fraud, Trump is really the president, COVID is a hoax, the Illuminati, the deep state, reptile people...

There's just nothing too stupid that these people won't believe it. Except the truth. They refuse to believe that.


The various xmas myths and stories are talked about only a few weeks a year where as the jebus story is talked about several times a day, at least in most christian homes

So the secret is the repetition. Good point:

@BD66 Yep. From the master of propaganda.


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