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Propaganda overload. Trump complains about Meet the Press, probably the most Republican leaning morning show on air wiht the exception of Fox. I can't imagine there are other people whatching this thinking it is in any way negative to Trump after 90% of their guests are Republicans lying without being called on it. Still the whines about the mainstream meida? What absurdity. []

jeffy 7 Apr 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Saw it this and it gave plenty of leeway to Pubs. He seems to have less Pubs on MTP Daily. I still respect Chuck.

Some days he seems reasonable, other days he is in their bag. I miss Tim. He was rational and even handed. A journalist first. They don't do that anymore much.


Just got my weekly dose of Rick Santorum. What baffles me is WHY anyone is still talking to that asshat? When you look up "partisan" in the dictionary, his picture is next to the definition.


Again the republicans will do anything to protect their politics even turn on their own members if they do not like something that is not far enough right

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