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In the Bible christians claim God is good and Satan is bad. I would issue a challenge to any who make this claim. Read the Bible and keep track of when God does harm or condones it and When Satan does harm or condones it without doing Gods bidding...

I have found that God is constantly EVIL and can not find any reference to Satan doing any harm at all unless directly under Gods command in the book of Job. He is only accused of Evil. One such case is when Satan rebels against God. Interestingly, in normal circimstances if one rebels against a murdering, tyrant bent on destroying the world they are called a hero.

What are your thoughts on this oddity?

DavidLaDeau 8 Apr 22

Enjoy being online again!

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God and Satan are so similar that sometimes even the Bible cannot tell which is which. Read 2 Samuel 24, especially verse 1, and compare to 1 Chronicles 21, especially verse 1.

I've created a 1-minute video which gives some context for this:

That was great! Do you have a youtube channel? If you don't I would consider making one particularly if you have made other videos.


Thanks for asking, my YouTube channel is

I currently have created 22 videos on my channel.

I've put this link in my bio, too

@R_Collins Thank you very much, Your content and delivery is exceptional.


It's special pleading and circular reasoning all the way down. They don't see god as evil because he's god and therefore incapable of evil.

I once debated a Christian who believes in Universal Reconciliation (UR) -- the notion that there either is no hell or that it's a temporary state of affairs -- that ultimately god reconciles literally ALL to himself.

But there's an interesting side-effect to this belief. Once you accept that everything will come out in the wash, so to speak, it is far easier to rationalize any sort of "end justifies the means" behavior. In fact this gentlemen went so far as to say that since god alone knows "the end from the beginning" -- understands all the ultimate knock-on effects of any given action he might take -- that god alone can practice situational ethics -- doing evil that good may come of it (ultimately).

I gave him points for honestly citing the OT verse where god says in the first person that he created good AND evil ("I the Lord your god have created all these things" ). But it was special pleading again -- it's moral and good for god to do immoral, bad things, because ... god.

I don't know how many other advocates of UR go to these places but it is makes sense that at least some of them would. It changes the mental landscape a bit from the conventional dogma.

It is interesting to differentiate the CLAIMS made about God verses his ACTIONS as proclaimed in the Bible. The results are conflicting and stunning.

@DavidLaDeau I totally agree but what you usually run into when you confront them with this, is that as an atheist you have no moral code so you're just offering your meaningless opinion about god's conduct -- you have no right to judge him because you're without morality yourself. Any morality you claim to have is "just your opinion".

I have gotten this adamant line from several of them. The general notion is that morality is null and void without a backing authority (their god of course) and they refuse to engage on the true nature and source of morality from there down the line.

The irony of course is that their claimed morality is "just their opinion" of god's alleged opinion.

This is an illustration of why I refer to fundamentalism as a funhouse hall of mirrors.


Satan is Super Ego, God is Id, Man is ego. It's no wonder than book is full of really mean, pissed off people

leego my ego!


Fairy tales - all !


lmao, this i have been saying for years. from what i understand, the devil was cast out for asking things like why does god love some of his children more than others(humans vs angels) for one thing, i don't think asking questions is bad. and also i think it would be sad if all parents went around saying no little joey, you can't do that because i like mary better than you.

Byrd Level 7 Apr 22, 2018

It's ALL fiction, so it doesn't really matter.

I would proffer that it IS all fiction and it DOES matter when people live their lives as if this fiction was real and it has effects on other peoples lives.

@DavidLaDeau I don't care what they believe, as long as they keep that garbage to themselves. If they don't, that's when there's a problem. Since that's where we are, then it's time to put an end to their influence.
That's what matters. I'm not going to qualify their beliefs, I'm just going to fight their influence.

@KKGator I'm with you 100%!!!

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