Having Fun With Astrology & Sex
What are You?
Nope this is stupid and fake like all astrologers who REFUSE TO EXPLAIN HOW MARS OR MOON OR DISTANT constellation patterns of stars affect anything human or inanimate. ...tides might affect menses in tiny degrees by hours or a day BUT ZERO PERSONALITIES conform to this idiotic shit just like alchemists NEVER turn lead into gold.....Isaac Newton knew math&gravity but was so stupidly religious HE BRAGGED UPON HIS DEATHBED: " I never masturbated, I never married "
Its not to be taken seriously.
Okay, so it was an extra long delivery, what can I tell ya'!
Geeze... how did they know that? I aint saying...lol.
Jan 6, Capricorn. Hey! That's pretty accurate!
LOL! My late husband was a Capricorn so I'll vouch for that.
Surely there must be a bad at sex sign. (I am Gemini but also picky).