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If I'm ever like a sole survivor of a plane crash, y'all don't worry about me having that survivors guilt thing. Because I would just be like, sorry about your luck y'all, true story...........😁

Aaron70 8 Dec 19

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That's a little like how I feel in comparing the pandemic to a plane crash, now that we have tools to protect ourselves, with vaccines, distancing, etc.

It's hard to feel very sorry for those who were staunchly against the scientific strategies for reducing the chance of getting sick and dying, when those people actually get sick and die, and are bewildered that their strategy of simply "eating organic" or taking ivermectin and praying didn't cure them. I have very little sympathy, since they chose their path, rejecting science and conventional wisdom.

You’re kind of comparing apples to oranges, but I feel ya....πŸ˜‰

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