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You must admit, my nuts look yummy af!!!!!☺️

Aaron70 8 Dec 21

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Haters gonna hate!!😎


The nuts on the left look like dust. I am entitled to my opinion.

I prefer whole cashews, pecans and walnuts.

I am not a hater. Don't be mean.



That’s original, usually it’s my cologne....👀

@Buck eau d'allergie?

@Organist1 😳

Do you eat Thai food?

@dalefvictor I love Thai food. I'm only allergic to Brazil nuts. Peanuts are fine; I'm addicted to them. I suddenly developed this allergy in my 60s, along with a surprise allergy to Mucinex. According to my allergist, people can develop allergies at any time. Shellfish allergies are the most common in adulthood. I have to be careful around all tree nuts now, just in case.

@Organist1 I was listening to a podcast, either the latest Joe Rogan, no it was another on Radiolab - about [] Alpha-Gal. Apparently, Alpha-Gal is a substance that is made in the bodies of different animals and some from a tick entered a woman from a bite and made her allergic to red meat, which she loved. The deal was that the Alpha-Gal was surrounded by tick saliva and this when injected into the woman's body allowed her immune system to attack the Alpha-Gal. When she ate red meat she would go into an allergic reaction and end up in the hospital. Eventually, a doctor put this together and found a cure for something important. Radio Lad is really interesting, it has been on the radio for twenty years. I have heard a show from time to time and never heard something that was not interesting.

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