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I know we are Agnostic and Atheists...but...Christmas is still fun in our home because we love the decorations and the festivities(minus the God BS)...and it is really a celebration of Winter Solstice anyway when you chase the history behind it...soooo...Merry Solstice everyone, I hope your day is filled with goodness.

phoenixone1 8 Dec 24

Enjoy being online again!

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We celebrate Yul... not Christmas. Everything about the holiday has Pagen origins... except the manger/nativity/christ. Christians couldn't get rid of the popular holiday so they took it over.

I love celebrating Winter Solstice/Yul.


My sister suggested that instead of gift buying for everybody we do a Secret Santa exchange. We draw names and only select something for the person whose name we drew. There is a $50 cap on what we can spend. We each get one thing.

This has greatly reduced the stress around holiday shopping. To further reduce the pressure to find the "perfect gift" we encourage each other to mine our online wish lists. The longer the list, the greater possibility of surprise.

Having the expectation of receiving only one gift eliminates the greed problem.

The fun is in solving the mystery of who your Santa is.

My sister made the holidays fun again.


Christmas is fun. And for centuries people have been gathering at this time of year to celebrate family and friendship, to reflect on the past year and to express hope for the one coming, no matter what religion was the accepted one at any given time.

Asking an atheist why they still celebrate Christmas is like asking a childless person why they still like to fuck.

We give presents to people we love because they're people we love. We gather because that's what humans do.

We no longer practice the old religions, and there's no need to observe the Christian religion in order to find value in the season.

Religions change. What remains is people, and their need for connection to the people they care about, and to the world in which they live.


I feel the same! I celebrate the holiday for the family time, feasts, gift giving, and just overall magic feel of it all!


u 2 phoenixone1

twill Level 7 Dec 26, 2021

Given the onslaught of mediocre kitsch and phony sentimentality, nutjobs desperately seeking to mask the unbridled hatred fomented the rest of the year, I cling to the wonderful truth that this too shall pass.


Even though my family was staunchly Catholic, we never had much religion in Christmas. We celebrated like good American consumers.


Love the time of the year, doesn't need religion

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 25, 2021

Agree, it’s always about family and friends.


When I was a little kid, I loved Christmas. But I thought all the religious stuff just ruined it.


I always decorate even though I live alone and no young children in my small family. Outside I have a Santa and Mrs. Claus that light up (had for over 20 years now) and a spiral tree. Inside I outline the living room window with lights, have a fiber optic tree (20 years old too), and three animated musical Hallmark toys. No need to believe in any superstition to light up and enjoy the holidays.

Same husband loves the house all decorated and lit up so I do it every year - I say its for him - but honestly.....once its all done, I love it too. 😉


It's really originally pre-dating Christian to bring things that remain green inside.
But do the fun things on holidays.
That India chalk dust throwing thing looks hellufun.
I just think people would not understand. And cops and shit.


Season's Greetings!!! Enjoy!!!


Merry Solstice to you. I'm glad to see someone was willing to say what you have. I thought about it, but couldn't find the right words. Good Job, and Happy Holidays.

Thank you for the kind words...sometimes I get things right. "Merry, Happy, Winter Solstice to you and yours".


Nice tree. I do not have that coz I live alone. It could be different but is not. I can still say Merry Christmas (or whatever you want to celebrate) but Christmas is only religious when you look at the word itself. Those that argue to "keep Christ in Christmas" the most are really only into Santa Claus. I drove past a church the other day that claimed they were having a "live nativity scene." Great. They are going out of their way to celebrate something that never happened. I recall years ago in Mad Magazine that one of the 3 wise men brought a gift of Frankenstein instead of frankincense. The serious thing that believers never looked at is that the 3 men brought 3 gifts that were literally incense. OK, we are talking about a manger here. That means a stable for animals. Let's make it smell good. 🙂


I love Christmas.


My family are all catholic, they all know I am not a believer in the bullshit stories in the bible, yet they still invite us, my wife and I, to their seasonal parties, the pandemic has basically eliminated all family events and despite all being fully vaccinated and boosted, some members have tested positive, ergo reunions are cancelled this year same as last year. Bummer on one side as I enjoy gift giving and the meals as well as the company, on the other hand it's a breath of fresh air to not listen to all the religious bullshit associated with it.

Two sides to every coin right? My youngest lives with daughter is in TN with her boyfriend and his parents and my oldest son is in the Middle win some and you lose some. At least they are healthy.

Oh and me and my two younger sisters were raised Roman Cathartic...I am an Athiest...the next youngest became a devout Buddhist and the youngest became a Lutheran Minister...being the oldest I was always the safety net...dinner conversations were FUN...😁



Dog bwess us ebrey one...😂


happy Festivus. i can't exaggerate the degree to which you all have disappointed me this year.

Well I still hope your day is filled with goodness.

Please don't go. We haven't set the Festivus pole or performed the Airing of Grievances yet.

@Toonman ....i have a perminant festivus pole in my driveway, lit by solar gerdin light at night. can i be festivus pope?


My son and I do that too. It's fun! We love to decorate, cook and buy presents. No BS. It's a great way to get through the darkest days of the year. Happy Solstice to you!

Having grown up in CT and now surviving in the ❤ of the Bible Belt, presents its challenges as to how one addresses and/or responds to the holiday that these Thible Bumpers hijacked from humanity. I have a neighbor who is a radical thumper who once threatened to beat me into believing in God...TRUTH...He and his mother decided to provide Hospice care for his younger brother who is on a ventilator(non-covid illness), and is slowly dieing. He refuses to talk about it and keeps insisting " it is in God's hands". You can imagine how much I want to say, "your imaginary God is CRUEL and SADISTIC"...but I have to be kind because saying something like that in itself would be "CRUEL and SADISTIC". This SITE has been a storm shelter for me. Making sense of their blind devotion is something I gave up on long ago. Nice to know that I am not alone in my interpretations of life. What would be fascinating though would be what runs through his mind when he sees my tree lit up every night along with all the other decorations and candles...He will no doubt associate it with his "Christian belief" and try to claim, "the power of the Lord is moving through you" which I will respond, "Merry, Happy, Winter Solstice". I can imagine the veins popping out of his head. 😂 Small victories...anyway Happy Solstice to you and yours...enjoy the snow.

@phoenixone1 Sometimes I wonder if some things like religion, becomes a virus and turns people's minds into mush.

@JackPedigo thr problem with religion is ALL or NOTHING. Once the preachers get you roped in with the Heaven/Hell guilt trip, they can manipulate you into doing their any cost...and with no CONSCIENCE.

@phoenixone1 When I left religion I took a middle road and joined a liberal environmental religious group. It was called Earth Ministry and they were a confederation of liberal sects especially Unitarians and quite a few light Catholics.There are groups that are not the hellfire and brimstone type. But they're doing a really bad job of reigning in their flaming zealot partners.

@JackPedigo And I sometimes wonder why some people are such assholes they have to ruin all the fun in the world.

So we both are stumped by life's little mysteries.

@Toonman It's called life and we'd better get used to it.


"It's called life..."

Wow. Profound, riveting stuff.

Life is better when you have some fun in it.

In a world full of horror, toil, and despair I'm grateful for anything that frees me from it even for a little while. We allow ourselves happiness and joy precisely because the world isn't always a good place.

It must be awful to to live such a joyless life, and resent the presence of joy in the people around you.

I hope you figure a way out of it. Until then I hope you have people in your life who care about you despite your emotional constipation.

@Toonman Itwas a general statement not a specific one.

@JackPedigo I still feel for you.

Your stating this obvious observation seems to indicate you think you're the first person to whom it has ever occurred

This is not only needlessly fatalistic, but comes off kind of condescending and kind of dumb.

@Toonman Thank you.

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