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Although marxist atheists think they are intellectually superior to Christian believers they merely replaced their authority of God with Government. Every criticism they have of God you can replace the word Government and the same criticism would be equally valid. For example: God kills then says thou shall not kill. Well the government does the same damn thing.

Marxists bow to the altar of Marxism and believe in the higher power of government.

Christians bow before Jesus and believe in the higher power of God.

Both have replaced their own mind and thoughts with an ideology or belief.

In the photo you will see marxists bowing to the altar of marxism. The hammer is violence to force you communism, note they are hammering the globe. The wolf in sheeps clothing is marxists giving you free shit but not with your consent, they are force feeding you.

Beachslim7 6 Jan 5

Enjoy being online again!

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This looks, to me, (although you don't state its provenance) like part of Stalin's drive to replace religion with Communism, or rather to make Communism the state religion. Hijacking religious iconography is nothing new; Christians did it to the Norse worshipers, even roughing up the winter solstice festival and making it into Xmas.

Communist ideology in practice has as much relation to Marxism as modern capitalist ideology has to Adam Smith, and those who believe in unrestricted capitalism are as much "believers" as are Communists. "Rugged Capitalists" also depend on the power of government, except that they see it as working for their benefit alone (police powers to keep the rabble in line, infrastructure to get their goods to market- but by God don't try to tax them to pay for this stuff, the rich are far too important to pay taxes).

Blind faith in the free market is no better than blind faith in "The People" (as defined by Marx). No system is perfect if it involves human beings. Personally, I think we could do with a little socialism around here. (Market-driven) health care is a mess in this country.

@Beachslim7 Except I'm not a communist, because I don't believe in that philosophy of government. It is unmanageable and impractical. It's based on Marx's philosophy, wherein he assumes that workers want to overthrow the owners. They don't; they just want a bigger share of the pie.

There are things the government has no business in, like our private lives. But there are some things only government can do, like coordinating a pandemic response, upholding equal rights, or fighting global climate change. It's been adequately proven that private industry has little to no interest in the environment, for example.

It's odd that conservatives are so much more interested in regulating private morality but letting business run wild, where liberals tend to not care who you sleep with, but are concerned with the public welfare. Capitalism is a game, but like all games, it must have rules, and referees. That's the role of government, in my left-libertarian philosophy; to regulate the excesses of the free enterprise system, and care for those whom it leaves behind. To establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. (That last line may seem familiar to you. I hope it does.)


Your opinion is noted. You do you, I do me and let's strive to do or cause no harm.

@beachslim7 stupidity is more harmful....... Just saying

@beachslim7 your assumptions are only overshadowed by your ignorance.... Bless your silly little heart!!


I'll take the analogy a bit further:

Christians fear Armegeddon, where (if you don't straighten up and get your act together) hellfire will rain down upon all of us.

Leftist Atheists have replaced this by climate change, where (if you don't straighten up and get your act together) hellfire will rain down upon all of us.

BD66 Level 8 Jan 5, 2022

I absolutely agree, although you will get a terrible amount of pushback here. For there is no other place for their group to go, being surround by religions.. They got, no place to Go!!! For the only true God, which is called, the Government.

I can go to plenty of places without religions and politics.
Even Richard Dawkins said nationalism is more dangerous than religion.

I can't even use the Constitution laws and international human rights law which is like the good bits to a bible like Government written Corporationism tools the politisican, religion and the medical profession. Got most people all by the balls .


I don't block anyone, always open. Yet do ignore much more the obcessive creepiest ones.


The way I look at it . Is they just confirm , of what you said is correct. As they are the living evidence result of.wbat is said.


Kook alert


Calling you a Kook is because he doesn't understand. A cult has a broader meaning for new religion or for narrow minded politics. Cult is short for culture good or bad


Ha ha ha see the backlash when they only have name calling as their only last resort. Keep thinking with your heart shortly followed by your mind, and don't let the turkeys get you down.

@Castlepaloma We’ve got you pegged as a certified kook too.


A certified kook, that mean I've moved from a soft kook to a insane kook in a insanity hospitals. Again a disrespectful response and again no proof of fact or evidence and shows immaturity.

Will submit being an anarchist and artist. Do have to be bit crazy to keep from going insane. If someone doesn't questions if they are crazy, then you have already gone insane

@Beachslim7 You act like that's what all the kids are doing nowadays.

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