The first use of binary code
Gottfried Leibniz is credited with the invention of the binary code, however, it seems that it was invented more than 3,000 years before he was born. The I Ching (Dao De Jing) or book of changes as it is sometimes known contains what is probably the first use of binary code in human history. The I Ching consists of 64 hexagram of solid and broken lines. The number 64 figures in computing science.
Base 16 (hexidecimal) is ubiquitous in Computer Science, that's because us humans have lots of trouble reading/manipulating machine code (binary).
000111011011010000111000111011111100000001111111100000000 . . .
(lather, rinse, repeat)
Binary translator returns ยด8รฏร
The first digital musical instrument was made and used in Vietnam over two thousand years ago.
Seemingly, some of the earliest musical instruments appeared more than 40,000 years ago.