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My doubts about Christianity have been solidified by the trumpeters.

forester 4 Apr 23

Enjoy being online again!

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trumpie is about as religious as a rock. He has used the evangelicals just for votes and nothing more. They call themselves christians but they do not adhere to the bible they quote so often.Rather they use it to obtain what they hold dear which is control and money.

You have proof of this? or is this just your opinion?

@gater Before being elected he had not seen the inside of a church for years rather he used Sundays for golf.

@Marine This may be true, but again you really don't know what he truly believes do you?

@gater I only know what his actions have been and they speak very clearly that he lacks empathy, consideration and has treated his family like trash. This does not form the basis for a religious person does it?

he's treated his family like trash? - wow you're just full of information - of course you have proof of your claims. @Marine


Well, most xians of the planet Earth are not pro trump so judging a religion by the example of one sample of a country is like judging atheists by the actions of communists. Dig It? ...and noticed most atheists here don't want to be communists!

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