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Replace "white" with "Democrat" in this quote and MLK's words fit right into todays political dynamics.

redbai 8 Jan 19

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The LEFT are the domestic terrorists.... DO NOT SPEAK ABOUT WHAT WE SAY IS WRONG!

Fascists every one.

I think it's kind of funny that you believe you have the ability to tell me what to speak on. Guess what, I'm gonna do it regardless of your capital letters. 😂 🤣😂 🤣

@JacarC What is wrong with you? Traumatic Brain Injury? Childhood abuse? Borderline Personality Disorder?

Your statement "DO NOT SPEAK ABOUT WHAT WE SAY IS WRONG!" - is a FASCIST statement, moron.


Terrible! When you change the words of MLK Jr. they are no longer his words. I am also appalled at people who think a solution to our political problems is a staunch following of one party or the other. This is why i do not have a Biden hat or flag and I'm not getting on a "Biden train." Sorry. That was Trump wasn't it.


This is sickening. Shame on you.

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