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If only more anti-vaxxers would follow in her footsteps... and die...

Seems as though I'm posting that a lot... meh...

Czech anti-vax folk singer dies after catching COVID on purpose


Dyl1983 8 Jan 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I have no issues with anti-vaxxers suiciding through their own stupidity. However, I draw the line at when they cause the uninformed to die.


Please only post about American anti-vaxxers dying. You know murderous psycho's (not all kill) keep indulging their senses, pleasing themselves selfishly, until the repetition dulls their enjoyment in that in the moment excitement they gain. Thats when they move on from taking glee in torturing animals and move onto humans.
I suspect you will start posting about deaths of children soon.
Yes, I'm saying you are sick and need help.

puff Level 8 Jan 20, 2022
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