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I wrote a post a few days ago about whether you have the courage to reach out and touch the inferno. And it just disappeared. And I'm not sure if I can do it again. So, I will keep it short. Do you ever think about what it is like to live places like Syria. Losing everything you ever built, fleeing for your lives and being turned back at the border.

splittingzero 6 Dec 3

Enjoy being online again!

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My wife, when she married me, left home with one very small bag of clothes and came with me. She was a brave woman.

gearl Level 8 Dec 3, 2017

@splittingzero You bet. We also have a 20 year old daughter that we're both very proud of.


I was born in Vietnam. I got adopted into the US at age 2. I've been here 27 years now.


Yes. I think it makes you value more what you have left as it can be gone just as quickly or it makes you value human life more as things can be replaced, human life can't.

SamL Level 7 Dec 3, 2017
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