And maybe octopuses are aliens . . . I can buy into this more than ancient civilizations were peopled/started by aliens.
Addendum: geez louise! I know that satire is sometimes difficult to detect in writing, but this post is intended to be lighthearted, not challenging established science. Thanks to those who realized this.
Remember we do have ocean worlds in the outer solar system. Maybe they just got tired of the cold oceans out there and migrated inward towards the sun.
Thanks for posting. I really enjoyed the comments.
Octopuses are obviously not aliens, and even suggesting it shows a severe stupidity, or an insecurity that results in asinine proposition. The Hoyle-Wickramasinghe (H-W) thesis of Cometary (Cosmic) Biology remains similarly unfounded. Evidence, not armchair speculation, drives science. Shame on the Journal for publishing this bilge.
@Gwendolyn2018 My response wasn't directed at you or your post, but at the linked article.
It was quite interesting when this popped a few years ago (2018). However, it would appear that octopuses are from this world, but are different to most other life. They may be the last survivors of a more common complex life form which suffered a mass extinction event in the far distant past.
That said, the argument is not conclusive and these interesting creatures may be the product of panspermia where life may have traveled to earth arriving some 230-270 million years ago.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
@Druvius "And what makes a claim extraordinary? "
. . . be careful what you ask for, you just might get it . . .
You are clearly/obviously a far-right-wing nutjob ! ! !
I have 'evidence' -- you have joined these groups :
Gun Control Now
Liberals/Progressive . . .
Biden 2020
Feminist Atheists
. . .
"Evidence is evidence, no matter what the claim"
Therefore my 'claim' can't possible be 'extraordinary'
QED ! ! !