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Sarah Palin epitomizes unethical people and is the poster child for all that is wrong with people.


Gwendolyn2018 9 Jan 28

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As a social scientist my studies have indicated that since Reagan there has been a reduction in the collective intellect of the 'American masses', where there is a proud new culture of world ignorance based in a socialised arrogance in a self belief of 'Merica is right.
This has produced a loss of trust in evidence and science. With Palin, we can see that she must lead by example rather than by changing her approach of supporting the need to protect not only oneself, but others through vaccination and use of masks.
As I have mentioned about the reduction of intellect, this part of the US population grows paranoid about government control, loss of white power, demise of god and the rise of oil prices. They follow the leadership of Palin, Trump and Qanon etc.
So how could the US rise out of this debacle?
Return the proviso that news must be reported without bias - removed by Reagan administration.
Equal Federal education across the country - There will still be a disparity with private education for those who can afford it.
Politically move towards using a proportional representation system of voting common to all states and counties.


And we have seen over and over what happens to these people. Maybe a big mouth like Palin dying will wake a few people (maybe not).

@Gwendolyn2018 Damn pinko commie omicron!


What was John McCain thinking....

It is either laugh or cry, and laughing hurts less.

@Gwendolyn2018 I think that was the idea but they apparently forgot Black men in America got the vote before women.

It was not up to John McCain, that was on one of the intellectual thinkers of the party, I can see him in my mind but the name is not coming.

@dalefvictor From observing their interaction during the campaign, though, I felt he had a classic case of what Germans call schwarmerei, which traditionally denoted an attraction of an older man toward a younger woman which was not outright romantic, but had connotations of fancying them. Hitler had this kind of relationship with his secretaries. The younger woman often has a mothering rather than a romantic attitude toward the man.

In other words, he liked having an attractive younger woman keeping him company, maybe to the point that he idealized her and didn't pay that much attention to the actual words that came out of her mouth.

@Gwendolyn2018 Yeah, there was that thinking back then and sadly to a terrible degree still exists today. The other sad part sarah sorta lives up to that expectation that some men have. Which is why I view her as a feckless one. I don't think she can read.

@Gwendolyn2018 I meant that he was seen by the party as an intellectual. Just as Paul Ryan was a math genius.

@Gwendolyn2018, @silverotter11 Bill Krystall chose her to run because she hosted a party he was at and did a great job.

@Gwendolyn2018 They were women who would do what they were supposed to do that was supposed to have some creditability with a certain number of the population.

@Gwendolyn2018 Bill must have thought he was doing the most correct thing. After I saw a segment where he was shown saying this I started to watch him. He is one of those people who does not have anyone to tell him what to say and therefore makes the wrong decision or statement at will.

@Gwendolyn2018 is not the only great thing he does. He was former Chief of Staff to Dan Quayle. Another brain trust.

@Gwendolyn2018 @dalefvictor Conway and Huckabee made the climb in Republican circles, methinks, because there's a real paucity of female Republicans at the national level who were willing and/or eager to shill for Trump. Conway was part of his campaign staff from the very beginning. Huckabee was just pointessly antagonistic to the press, then they were able to play the "picking on girls" card when the press fought back. Same with McEninny.

@Gwendolyn2018 Or, like, anybody with self-respect... or respect for the law... respect for the nation... respect for the voters.... I could go on.


Why is anyone acting surprised? She has always been oblivious of any thing but her own happiness.


What a feckless cunt!


I loathe Sarah Palin! If she was on fire and I had to pee, I'd still walk a mile to the nearest sanitary restroom.

@Gwendolyn2018 You do not have to go far to get away from her and not pee on her. Water a tree.


I am glad she is as important as she thinks she is. Stupid is as stupid does and she does this well.

I do not think I said what I meant. I should have said, "I am glad she is not as important as she thinks she is."

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