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Secularism is not atheism. A new book explains why the distinction is so critical.
At its core, secularism is an approach to governance, writes Jacques Berlinerblau in his new book ‘Secularism: The Basics.’ And critically, it is one many religious people, not just atheists and agnostics, support.


xenoview 8 Jan 30

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"Berlinerblau’s book also identifies what he calls “lifestyle secularisms,” people for whom secularism is an identity. Among them, of course, are the so-called New Atheists, who are hellbent on eviscerating religion. That movement, he suggests, has run out of steam."

skado Level 9 Jan 30, 2022

Secularism is fine. I'm a secular atheist but I show little interest in secular things. Hey, I might even be a secular humanist but I'm still atheist.


Wow and wowser, finally a book to elaborate on what an astute aphorism, exemplary epigram or lexical locution could not fail to explain in one sentence.


I'll accept that 'religionists' care about church/state separation when and only when THEY get "In God We Trust" REMOVED from our government issued currency (at least that would be a reasonable start) 😛 😮


Political correctness, spare me. There are numerous forms of atheism. If anything, secularism is just one of them, that being the principle that the state should not support any particular belief. Belief can be tolerated as with free speech. However, the free speech of religion quickly becomes hate speech that is then leveraged into political abuse against each minority the religion doesn't like. It is this PERVASIVE abuse that motivate secularists and atheists to reign in religious psychosis wherever possible. As the 'Nones' become larger, the bigotry against them needs to be called out and the hypocrisy exposed. Religion should be and will be recognized as a public mental health issue akin to substance abuse.


Never thought it was.

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