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Why Religion exists, and 1.2 Trillion reasons it isn't going away.

"Grim and his co-author Melissa Grim of the Newseum Institute in Washington came up with three estimates of the worth of US religion. The lowest, at $378bn, took into account only the revenues of faith-based organisations. The middle estimate, $1.2tn, included an estimate of the market value of goods and services provided by religious organisations and the contributions of businesses with religious roots.

The top estimate was based on the household incomes of religiously affiliated Americans, and placed the value of faith to US society at $4.8tn annually.

The analysis did not take account of the value of financial or physical assets held by religious groups. Neither did it account for “the negative impacts that occur in some religious communities, including … such things as the abuse of children by some clergy, cases of fraud, and the possibility of being recruitment sites for violent extremism”.


WileEQuixote 7 Apr 24

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Interesting data. I am pretty sure churches are loosing congregational attendees. Millenials and generation Z have learned what is going on. However the deep seat is in the bible belt. And Africa, well christianity is growing the most in Africa.

Etre Level 7 Apr 24, 2018

This is US only.

@WileEQuixote this I understood, I was making a statement.

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