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Working on the assumptions:
1 Covid and or other diseases can be spread from person to person by sharing the same air
2 Everybody liked and/or respected Colin Powell who perished of Covid or other airborne disease.
3 Life is precious. No matter how short. 5 extra years or even 5 extra hours.
4 the questions below are not about if your pro or anti vaccination or mask. The question 1 is about how you would feel and question 2 is about your impact on people.

Question 1: If you knew you were in the chain of people who gave the general an airborne disease that killed him would you feel guilty?
Question 2: If you knew you could give the general a few more months by wearing a mask would you endure the annoyance?

Garban 8 Feb 16

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I would feel as guilty as the neocons do for all the Iraq deaths, condoned by Powell with his little jar of powder at the UN.
I believe he died of pre morbid conditions, not an actual covid death.

Your second assumption assumes much. Don't mourn war criminals.

Medically vulnerable people die all the time and no-one gets blamed. Powell failed to take care of himself is the only blame that can be assigned. He perhaps had too much faith in the vaccines and so was too casual about other measures.

It's a virus ffs. The air is obviously at fault.........should ban it.

puff Level 8 Feb 16, 2022

@Garban When he died, his pre morbid condition was emphasised by the media and government which I found unusual and commented on at the time. This was because he had been fully inoculated with covid-19 vaccines. It went against reporting of covid deaths ie acknowledging he wasn't the healthiest unit anyway.
Not into death/ human sacrifice worshipping cults.

@Garban are we talking hindsight?
This is something you should ask a vaccinated person who believes the vaccines stop transmission so neglect other control measures which may have stopped them passing it on to others.
I assume I have covid when interacting with vulnerable people using risk assessment to justify my actions. I do what I can and if I did cause something, no guilt as I did what I could. I am pragmatic rather than ideologically driven in actions regarding my and others safety.

@Garban you have to define what constitutes a minor inconvenience. Why restrict to disease? Wearing a condom is a minor inconvenience which may result in pregnancy, how many feel guilty about that? Answer: really depends on the individual.
Life is risk, always a chance of dying or causing death. I include all life in this statement, not just humans eg Flora and Fauna. Like I said pragmatic, you do what you can. Sure may feel guilty about some of my actions but that's life, part of learning and I won't do it again. No-one is perfect, least of all myself. It's cunts who do harm and knowingly keep doing it that are the problem.

@Garban No, I'm Australian 😉

@Garban A nasty, despicable arsehole is probably closest. None gender specific like dickhead, also refers to a woman's (naturally) hairy bits aka pussy etc.
We speak colourfully down here. Weinstein would be a good example of a cunt. Prince Andrew would be a right royal cunt. It is an extreme word, designed to shock. OK amongst friends eg "What are you cunts up to?" Wouldn't drop it in casual conversation with strangers usually.
The collective noun for cunts is a parliament (not really, just made that up but you get my drift I hope). Real collective noun is "bunch"

@Garban No wukkas mate.
"Wukkas" is short for "No fucking worries", which we then swap the first letters ie "No Wucking Furries" which we then shorten to "No wukkas". Just means no problem in US speak.

We are definitely more British than American in our use of slang words.


Question 0 : Could you possible spell his NAME correctly ? 😛

  1. yes
  2. Absolutely, and it's hardly an annoyance. Suffering or perishing from the disease is the real "annoyance."

I see a mask as just part of my wardrobe now, like putting on shoes or earrings when I go out. Just do it and move the heck on. I can’t believe people are still having issues with this.🙄🥱


I wear an N95 NIOSH certified mask to protect me. If it protects others, I have no problem with that.


But, it’s about me. Me,me,me,me…..


Assumption 5: People who have no empathy are capable of feeling guilt.

Q1: Y; Q2: Y. (A2: N)


I've stopped wearing a mask in places that don't require it, where I live is pretty much everywhere. The way I see it you face risks everyday just by existing. Would you feel guilty if you gave someone the cold and they died from it, pretty much my pov. I understand covid is worse than the common cold but for me it would be the same sense of guilt. At this point in time I've feel I've done my part in the fight against covid and I'm ready to move on. I've gotten my 2 shots and soon my booster after that I'm done. I don't even get the flu shot every year, mostly because I know the flu is mild at best for someone of my age.

Tejas Level 8 Feb 16, 2022

@Garban I may feel some guilt deep down. Especially so since Colon Powell was a very small part of my families lives. On the other hand things we all do everyday contribute to the deaths of others, like contributions to pollution and climate change. Another reason why I might lack some guilt is I embrace nihilism and all the things that come with it.

You can say that you are through with Covid, but as Dr. Fauci has said, "You may be through with Covid but Covid is not through with US"

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