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Could you possibly invent a more expensive and less effective healthcare system than what we have in the US?

No. Which is what I'm telling Congress today.

by Robert Reich
Feb 17

"American spending on healthcare per person is more than twice the average in the world’s other thirty-five advanced nations. Yet the United States ranks near the bottom among advanced nations for life span and infant mortality. Americans are sicker, our lives are shorter, and we have more chronic illnesses. Canadians, for example, can expect to live on average almost four and a half years longer than Americans, even though health care spending per person is only about half as high as in the U.S."


nicestuff 7 Feb 18

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Except that the loving Evangelicals are having too much fun kicking down women and minorities.


Since mainline Democrats are in the pay of insurance companies it doesn't matter that what we have is more expensive and less effective than any other system.

But it does matter. In truth we have the best healthcare technology of any nation on earth. The key to understanding this is in the word "technology."

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