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Jerry's Wisdom: Choose wisely

Spinliesel 9 Feb 23

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If we want more and better choices, we have to change the system. Our two entrenched political parties have constructed obstacles to third party participation.

Ranked choice voting would break the two-party system. It would, by design, make political campaigns more civil. It would also prevent anyone from winning a Presidential election with less than a majority of voters.



We all could vote for the worst and wait for the whole system to collapse, but that takes a lot of time and kills a lot of people. Unfortunately, I do not think it would actually do anything as people do not seem to learn anything unless it hits them on the head and almost kills them.


Nice jacket Jerry...


This was posted before. It was bullshit then. It's bullshit now.

While the statement is not untrue, I see people abuse this argument all the time. Just because an ideal choice is not available does not absolve paople of the responsibility of making the best decision they can, within the scope of options. Choosing the "lesser of two evils" is still preferable to doing nothing and allowing the worst of the evils hold sway.
Deb57 Level 8 Feb 23, 2022
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