This amuses me as there is nothing mysterious about fungus lol (as the title suggests). Currently very interesting area! Finally forestry has caught on that mycorrhizal fungi is responsible for regulating environments.
Reforestation here we come.
we can only hope we see the error of our ways by destroying trees
Some fungi giveth, and some taketh away...
Massive colony wow!!!! We currently have one with UK Ash Tree's (Ash Dieback)
Imported Ash from Asia carry more microbial elements European ones aren't complex enough to cope with.. We may lose our whole population.
It is truly devastating ... already wrecked half of Europes population. We have a lot of detrimental ones over here as we are a small island the mycorrhizal balance is much less complex carrying many less microbial forms in the mix. Asian ash mycorrhiza carries many forms. So ours just can't cope.
Fungus run this planet ... My favourite is a fungus called Cordyceps (you may have heard of)
Truly hideous lol -- its a horror story in real life.
I do love a bit of fungus
Gorgeous lol might do a post on this it's too hideous lol
Havd you tried eating the fungi ?
Yes thanks when a youth!! none of that now lol
Very cool. It's a fascinating example of species co-operation.
Isn't it lovely !!!
Studies have also shown that tree's communicate through the food soil webs fungus structure..
When you dig in the ground and find that white stuff like spiders silk that is the stuff (mycorrhiza) .. so as well as the symbiosis in the sugars if there are several massive tree's in a forest they assign the most likely sapling to survive the most nutrients and water ... So if a sapling is in the shade of a massive grown tree and unlikely to get enough light and nutrients the tree's around it literally starve it while letting saplings in more healthy locations have all the food and nutrients ..
So tree's do talk to each other .. It blows my mind completely .. This planet is truly amazing ..