How a father coped after losing his daughter in a Paris Terror attack;
It's not easy.
@Sealybobo I have never understood that case.Or the prevailing jury viewpoint.
There is an ultraright wing conspiracy radio host, Alex Jones, who regularly talks about the mass shootings being fake and done by actors. He consistently challenged the parents of the children killed in Connecticut to provide birth certificates of what he called non-existent children. Others who bought into his bizarre theories often traveled to places to accost shooting victims' families to demand evidence that it wasn't a coverup.
"There have already been more gun deaths from mass school shootings this century than during the entirety of the last century" Big Think; " More than 208,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine." Washington Post. "School Shootings Are Sad, But No Longer Surprising · January 27, 2018 • The school shooting in Kentucky that killed two students and injured several others was the 11th of 2018 in the U.S. Scott Simon wonders if school shootings have lost the power to shock and sober us." National Public Radio.
@Sealybobo the Black violence has been horrendous with the probability that a Black man will be imprisoned die in violence or by police shooting."Between 1980 and 2015, the number of people incarcerated in America increased from roughly 500,000 to over 2.2 million. Today, the United ... African Americans are incarcerated at more than 5 times the rate of whites. The imprisonment rate for African American women is twice that of white women." NAACP. From Newsweek: Dec 29, 2017 - In addition to being 25 percent of the victims, black people are also three times as likely to be killed by police as white people, according to the report, ... more likely to be killed by police in certain parts of the country, with police in some large cities killing black men more often than the national murder rate.
From the Root, regarding why white police officers don't get convicted in unarmed Black shootings: []
@Sealybobo having said all that, it isn't close to the problems with American Indians re ignorance, racism, disparaging of culture, religious practices or schooling.However, the reality is to be non white in the US hasn't changed but only gotten worse, a trend worldwide.
From Brookings: "The U.S. is facing a national crisis. It is virtually guaranteed that if you are poor, male, African-American or Native-American, you have a disproportionally high likelihood of ending up in prison, unemployed, or both. In a new paper by my colleague, Adam Looney, and his co-author, Nicholas Turner, intended to analyze post-incarceration employment, the authors find that:
“Almost one-third of all 30-year-old men who aren’t working are either in prison, in jail, or are former prisoners…Boys who grew up in families in the bottom 10 percent of the income distribution were 20 times more likely to be in prison on a given day in their early 30s than children born in top ten percent of families…Prisoners are also disproportionately likely to have grown up in socially isolated and segregated neighborhoods with high rates of child poverty and in predominantly African-American or American Indian neighborhoods.”
@Sealybobo I grew up and started working in the sixties. I was a single mother because my first husband came back damaged from Vietnam. Childcare took over fifty percent of my salary and rent took most of the rest. However, the decision to have a child isn't always easy or pressure to procreate easy to resist. Sometimes in poorer or middle-class communities, children are seen as a coming of age ritual. Sex education is vital, but so is learning to make smart decisions about your life and where you see yourself five or ten years down the road.