Too many ways donate to Ukraine! I want to know where we can donate to Russia's military operation.
So, you wish to support a tyrannical dictator's war on another country? You support violence and the deaths of innocent civilians?
The argument in the video is that Russia's attack on Ukraine is NOT Russia's fault? That's utterly idiotic. That's like holding you at fault if I were to come to your house and burn it down. Hey, I didn't have a choice because you are anti-me and you joined a club that I didn't like and you have friends that I don't like. It's really all your fault. Right?
Putin was not forced to invade Ukraine. He could have NOT invaded. He could have used diplomacy. Russian's army is at least 5 times larger than Ukraine's army. Putin chose war. Putin continues to choose war. The Russian army isn't merely attempty to occupy Ukraine cities or only targeting military targets. The Russian army is destroying neighborhoods, hospitals, schools.
If you support Russia then either you are mentally ill or completely evil.
Support for Israel is functionally identical. Difference is that Russia has a logical reason for expressing a 'right of return'. Israel had not and has not. They are foreign Occidentals masquerading as Orientals. Their 'return' is total fiction.
So who is being inhumane? Israel to this day, commits crimes against humanity against defenseless populations. They have murdered THOUSANDS over the last 75 years. Nobody has any criticism of them.
@Silver1wun The topic at hand is Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Wrong is wrong. You can't say that Russia is in the right because someone isn't blaming Israel for something happening in a different part of the world. That would be like saying that if murder is okay because OJ Simpson did it and got away with it and nobody is publicly criticizing him about it right now.
@Charles1971 There are many 'wrongs' on both sides; as is usually the case in these kinds of conflicts. They build over many years. My comparison to the Zionist invasion of Palestine was only to highlight the hypocrisy of the West and it's media. They ignore and spotlight wrongs to the tastes of their overseers, making journalism the new comedy genre. Nothing in the press can be taken at face value.
@Silver1wun If you shout vulgar insults at me and I shoot you dead then it could be said that there were wrongs on both sides. But there are degrees of wrong and in my example the degree of wrong that I would have committed is substantially greater than the wrong you committed.
The citizens of the Ukraine did not do a wrong to Russia that would earn them death and destruction.
As far as I can tell, your morality is so completely different than mine that I doubt we could ever see eye to eye on this matter or understand each others viewpoint.
@Charles1971 We agree on that at least.
John Mearsheimer and Ray Mc Govern have more sagacity in their toenails than ANY media or corrupt political 'leaders' have in THEIR entirety. Watch and listen If you can't read a history book or two, at least consider that there are more people with world events PERSONAL experience than ignorant 'news' media.
Ah, the logic of a Palestinian.
Ah, the overtly racist attitude possessed by Zionist supremacists. People in the Levant were advanced in reasoning for centuries at the same times Occidentals were burning witches.
@Silver1wun The same people seeking to ethnically cleanse with perpetual war end up being ethnically cleansed. Oh, the irony! Racist? What race? What racism? Go back to using your children to excavate terror tunnels. And burying the hundreds killed in cave-ins. There's some real advanced reasoning; you must be proud. (Not to mention diverting the concrete slated to build schools and hospitals)
@racocn8 'Terror tunnels' are only labels. Quite a few Zionist soldiers have been killed because of ghem. Terrorism isn't killing combatants and captors. It is killing defenseless civilians. It is Palestine that has undergone 85 years of ethnic cleansing, to include mass murders.
Gazans have been seeking to exterminate the Israelis for 85 years, their ethnic cleansing is ironic. You can be sure that if Israelis were anything like the Putin you love, the Palestinian problem would have been over 84 years ago.
Go volunteer for the Russian military.
I see, the right to and validity of opinions must be purchased in willingness to spill one's own blood. That doesn't say a lot about just about anyone here who isn't hunkered down in Ukraine risking life and limb for the neo-NAZIS being attacked by Russia. Or does the principle only apply to those whose opinions differ?
@Silver1wun I am fairly certain you knew posting this would draw comments such as mine. If one doesn't wish to hear differing opinions then perhaps posting on a semi-public platform wasn't the best choice.
@MizJ I LOVE to hear AND respond to differing opinions. Where did you get the idea that I don't like hearing opposing views? Most of the time I possess them myself.
Shame on you for trying to conflate the situation.
Although, I can't say I'm remotely surprised.
Why doesn’t he go and join up himself…putting his money where his mouth is!
@Gwendolyn2018 @Marionville I wrote the same before scrolling down
And I want to know if you understand English!
I was wondering about that too…after trying to make sense of it by reading it three times… to no avail!
I speak conservative. I'll expand my translative ability to decipher this:
"There are too many geographical ways for Russia to invade Ukraine. How can we stop them?"
Sorry, fingers dancing too fast..
If Israel has 'a right to defend itself' against imaginary armies and alliances, then Russia has the right to stop NATO encroachments and bombardment of ethnic Russians by neo-NAZIS. Ukraine's president is in exile because of a FUKUS coup.
All NATO had to do to prevent this was to guarantee that Ukraine wouldn't be allowed as a member and for Ukraine NAZIS to BACK-OFF on killing ethnic Russians.
Israel has been invading what's left of Palestine and bombing and sniping trapped, unarmed civilians for decades to allegedly 'defend itself' and nobody says 'diddly-boo'.
@Silver1wun Breathtaking example of “whataboutery”. If you don’t know or haven’t heard of Whataboutism…go look it up, because it’s the ploy of people who perpetually make false equivalence between situations.
@Silver1wun First, your poor attempt to conflate Isreal and Ukraine needs much work. You made some accusations, but never provided any back up for those accusations.
Second, NATO's treaty obligations are only triggered when a NATO country is attacked by another country. There is NO NATO obligation to assist anyone with a first strike, or anything thereafter.
Last, please identify the Nazi group that killed any "ethnic" Russians.
@Silver1wun The disgraced former president, Viktor Yanukovych—the one with the presidential compound with its own zoo and for whom the infamous Paul Manafort lobbied—embezzled billions of dollars, a feat that would make Donald Trump envious! He was tried in abstentia, found guilty of corruption and sentenced to 13 years in prison.
And while I view comparing / contrasting the two humanitarian tragedies and the reaction to them as a fools errand, I offer the following reaction to the Israel-Palestine conflict: “Diddly-boo!”
@p-nullifidian The allegations are arguable and even if so, corruption abounds even in our own de facto coup. They are irrelevant. He was elected. FUKUS. Support more corrupt chiefs than they take-out. Corruption goes with the territory.. it seems.
@p-nullifidian, @Marionville The falseness of equivalency is admittedly unbalanced, but that is wherein the outrageous hypocrisy dwells. The Zionist enterprise has the most lethal and sophisticated military in the region; in fact, in the world. Their victims have no military, save a few small arms and rag-tag rockets once in awhile. No war ships, no helicopter, no guided missiles, no war planes, no tanks, no heavy artillery are possessed by the helpless populations of Gaza and West Bank, yet THOUSANDS of their civilians have been incinerated by rains of fire-some chemical and illegal. Hundreds are shot unarmed from 30 meters away and crippled for life or murdered. Captives are held without charges and tortured. Yes, I must agree that save using the reason of 'right to defend', Russia is a poor comparison. Functionally? Politically? Oh, about the same. We don't send Russia $10 Million a day. almost forgot that part.
@Marionville With a few less televisions and a few more History books the 'whataboutery' would be impossible to ignore. Its about the hypocrisy. A Ukrainian with a molotov cocktail is a hero. A Palestinian with one is a terrorist. Only in Ukraine are they entitled to live in their homes in peace and withput apartheid.
@Alienbeing Pics are supposed to be worth a thousand words or so but bombardment of ethnic Russians by these vermin is a matter of public record easily discoverable by those hiding from the truth in front of their daily Counterfeit News Network or other corrupt, corporate spoon-feeding.
@Silver1wun Please don’t mistake me for someone who either supports or approves of the State of Israel and any of its actions, because quite the reverse is true. I think it’s deplorable that not satisfied with being gifted with land that belonged to Palestine in the Mandate of 1947, they have grabbed more illegally and have effectively removed the Palestinians from land on the West Bank and used the might of the Israeli army against a civilian population who are literally being held captive in their own land. That land, consisting now of a narrow strip between Israel and the sea. The struggle of the Palestinian people draws comparison with the biblical tale of David and Goliath. Israel effectively control Gaza and can cut off supplies by embargoing the shipments in and out of Palestinian ports. They do all this with impunity and in disregard of countless UN resolutions because they’re best friends with America, aided and abetted by other Western powers, including my own the U.K.
Whilst saying this…it in no way can be compared to the completely unconnected invasion by Putin’s Russia on its neighbour Ukraine. There is no way of equivocation or justification for linking the two situations…each of which is deplorable and must be condemned by all right thinking people. There is also absolutely no justification, no matter the false arguments made by Putin about invading to rescue Russian speaking Ukrainian nationals from ill treatment by Nazis, or Ukraine’s collusion with USA to manufacture nerve agents and unleash them on Russia, a clear false flag tactic of future Russian intent of ever there was.
On hypocrisy, I do agree with you however, but that is a very different thing from saying you can’t support Ukraine because Palestinians are condemned by others for using the same tactics.
@Marionville my comparison is used only to disclose the hypocrisy
Of those calling Ukrainians fighting for their land heroes whil'st considering Palestinians less, or even terrorists. Additionally, though I don't approve of tactics, Russia's concerns over an ever encroaching NATO are far more understandable than Israel's criminal government's over a population that is disarmed and at their mercy. Which is to say NO mercy. There's a tug of war over Ukraine and Russia has made it her 'last straw'. Too many make corruption an argument. If all governments, including our own, weren't corrupt to begin with, it might be persuasive.
@Silver1wun NATO is a defence organisation not an aggressor…it’s Putin’s paranoia and his desire to recreate the former Soviet Union that has driven this move against Ukraine, and it’s been in the making for years. I wish people would stop attempting to justify Putin because there’s absolutely nothing that NATO or the west has done that could even remotely justify Russia invading Ukraine other than a naked land grab and a wish to put it back under Russian influence and authority. The question is who will they invade next if they succeed in Ukraine? Anyway, why shouldn’t Ukraine join both EU and NATO, and why should Russia be allowed to dictate that they can’t? Anyone who believes it’s every country’s right to decide these matters for themselves and who believes in democratic rule and not coercion and dictatorship should support Ukraine with every legal means possible.
@Marionville Agreed. As a US Air Force officer who served in a NATO command bunker during the Cold War, I can assure you that no plans were ever briefed or even discussed that involved an eastward offensive. Every war game and exercise was designed to prepare for the assault of the vast number of Soviet forces stationed just east of the Iron Curtain.
@p-nullifidian This current predicament Ukraine now finds itself in is precisely the reason why NATO is so necessary and why it’s protection by membership was being pursued by Ukraine. Ukraine gave up their nuclear arsenal and chemical weapon facilities , developed and held on Ukraine’s territory during the Soviet era, and they should have been allowed entry to NATO on these grounds alone. We in the west have watched Putin making ever bolder moves, first in Crimea and Georgia and more recently becoming more belligerent in opposition to Ukraine’s intentions to wish entry to both the EU and NATO. If they had been granted membership of both I believe it would’ve been a deterrent for Putin, but he calculated that without membership he could surround and invade without retaliatory strikes from NATO because in their charter they only defend member states. All the more urgent a reason to have fast-tracked membership instead of backing down in the hope of appeasing Putin. Putin, like all other despotic tyrannical leaders, past and present in history, only see this capitulation as weakness. In Putin’s case he has so far acted with impunity by annexing Crimea and South Ossetia, and shooting down the KLM plane in 2014. No real consequences means he becomes ever more emboldened to repeat and expand his plan to recreate his fallen Soviet empire. No wonder, despite membership of NATO, the Baltic States, Poland, Hungary etc., are wondering if he’ll be coming for them next.
@Silver1wun Exactly what pictures are you referring to and how does a picture tell us who fired?
I note you had no reply to the correction vis-a-vis NATO defense verse offense treaty
@Alienbeing You or we can 'call' it anything we wish. What NATO does is what NATO is to an adversary. Treaties are meaningless and easily made so by actions. What happens is what 'is'.
@Silver1wun You make it up as you go along so have a good time talking to yourself. You aren't worth my time, I only react to real arguments.
@Alienbeing You flatter yourself. Do you really believe that you or anyone I take the trouble to respond to is the 'target'? People follow these conversations and posts. Just as a good joke is better illustrated with a 'straight man', a valid point is better made when dramatized with a foil.
One person's invasion can be another's liberation. Sometimes assistance helps in disclosing which is which. I thank you.
@Silver1wun Buzz off, I like humans