It is Lady Gaga's birthday, but I do not like any of her music. Please play your favorite song here.
Happy Birthday to her, but I can't say this metalhead likes any of her music, either.
Oh, thank you, everybody. I am not alone in not connecting with this artist. My great-granddaughter Dream ( almost 3) knows Lady Gaga, so it is definitely an age thing. SHows me my limits, I guess. The next time I am babysitting, I will play Van Morrison for her. Maybe that is where our touchpoint is. I raise their grandmother and aunt on Astral Weeks and Veedon Fleece, and they turned out alright.
Nope, I don't think it's age-related, I can't make any connection with most of this generation and later, the lyrics, music, style... all are empty!... or maybe it's me!