"Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology". Please check out this new group, THANKS!
Do you think we boiling frogs can stop the pot from boiling?
I suspect we agree on the state of the planet.
I suspect we agree on the need of Humanity to act more responsibly (much more).
I suspect we disagree on what we can actually effect for change, Realism vs Idealism.
I salute my fellow frogs in their valiant attempts.
I did so for many years, to little effect
Too little, Too late, against too many others with Third world problems
Ecology and the State of the Planet is a First world Problem
You can ONLY be concerned about it in a real way if your basic needs are met
IF you are Homeless, Hungry, and Naked
Ecology takes a back seat
Most of the world IS THIRD world
As we First worlders Learned to boil the pot
And learned we were doing so
The entire Third world also learned and started stoking the fire too
So can we stop the pot from boiling over?
We are living in the 6th great extinction event.