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Some people on this site could learn from this. Anti vaxers deserve medical care too. Too bad most of the hypocrites who need to read this have me blocked.

Tejas 8 Apr 7

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I regret that we do not as yet have the psychiatric facilities secure enough to house the anti- vaxxers to whom you refer.


Anti vaxxers got medical care so the scenario is fictitious. I'd leave the unvaxxed to god's will.

It's not a scenario, I've seen several people on here that don't want anti vaxxers to receive medical care. One was even in the medical field as a nurse. Jeff Murray I believe. The post is ment for people like him.

@Tejas What we want, or don't want, seems to be irrelevant. Anit-vaxxers get care despite our calls to let nature take its course. I am also one who wouldn't give them medical care. They should, at the very least, see how it felt before Obamacare for many of us. At the very most they should have the courage of their convictions and stay away from other people or hospitals.


Not if they willingly want to endanger the lives of others who are either care providers or other patients in a health care setting who are simply trying to preserve their own health. They get no sympathy from me, and their selfishness deserves a price. Also, I can see why lots of people have you blocked, as I have been tempted to do so myself, with your political beliefs being rather right wing compared to mine, at least on most things. I hate Libertarian bullshit. It's such a selfish and immature poltical philosophy. Time to grow up, learn to share, and join the rest of adult society, Tejas....

Everyone deserves healthcare and to argue against such puts me at the moral high ground. I don't really care if you block me, the only "politics" I argue is amendment rights and things I consider common sense. What if any political stance do I have that is considered right wing? You and many like you on this site make assumptions without any evidence. What do you mean by grow up and time to share? And join adult society? Maybe you should consider playing devils advocate on occasion and get out of your echo chamber and judgemental mentality.

@Garban no. But if your job is to heal people then you do so, or don't swear to an oath to heal the sick. Health care workers don't get to pick and choose who to help based on their personal beliefs, especially when they are able to wear protective gear making them essentially 100% safe from infection. If their work doesn't provide proper saftey gear then that's another story

@Garban Apparently he thinks it does and he's full of shit. If people reject science, then they should have no right to seek medical care and endanger others thru that. Maybe they can just stay home and practice wishful thinking.

@Garban a healers job is to heal people is it not?

@Tejas My statement speaks for itself, about growing up, learning to share, and joining adult society. Feel free to stay your immature, selfish person that you are, Tejas. Everybody else here understands what I am talking about, except for your fellow Libertarians.

@Tejas Within limits. I don't think it's right to expect them to risk their own health to treat idiots who reject science, endanger their own health, and that also expect others to then risk their own health for them on top of that. There are, or should be, limits on how much of someone else's selfishness should be indulged in order to provide treatment.

@TomMcGiverin your statement falls on deaf ears because I'm not a mind reader and don't see your point. I don't even think you know what you're talking about.

@Tejas Do you think we should have universal healthcare, instead of the profit-driven private health insurance system we have? If you don't, then you have no moral high ground. I doubt you support socialized medicine or any kind of single payer system. So don't give me crap about health care being deserved by all.

@Garban I answered you twice.

@Tejas My statement falls on deaf ears because you are a retarded asshole. Every non-Libertarian or non-conservative gets exactly what I'm saying.

@Tejas He refuses to actually answer the ?.

@TomMcGiverin go fuck yourself 60 year old incel pussy.

@Tejas Time to block, asshole. If I were a pussy like some of your conservative allies, I would report you to site support and get your ass suspended. But since I don't use others to fight my battles, I'll simply block you.

@TomMcGiverin block me pussy. What a fucking pansy of a man

@TomMcGiverin, @Garban I answered you with my first reply. What sense of entitlement? You agreed everyone deserves health care. If you deny people health care because of your personal opinions then you are no better than the people who refuse to marry a gay couple

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