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Fruits, Nuts, Informed and Deliberately Blind...

There needs to be a checklist. People "believe" in lots of things, some people "know" lots of things, some people think things are real, false, stupid, fake, .... and this sentence states the obvious. But the list goes like this, only longer:

I believe in/don't believe in/know is real/etc. - life, love, god, jesus, UFOs, conspiracies (assorted), truth, the universe...

Life is like Coast to Coast America combined with CBN. People need a list. Then we could all find who we fit in with.

There are things I don't believe in and am convinced is not real: god, Santa, Easter Bunny.
There are some things I'm sure exist but can't prove, UFOs and chemtrails.
There are some things I really doubt, like the Illuminati.
And some things beyond my comprehension, like the Universe.

Every person will pick and choose these few points and label me smart, stupid, confused, idiotic, informed. That is how our brains work, aparently (something I think but can't prove).

I want to find the person who avoids making lables AND thinks my view of the world is closest to reality. lol

TedGresham997 5 Apr 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I think, although I can't prove it, I think I know, but doubt it, to pick a label, to choose something.....Aw please help me someone ?

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