I want to know if flat earthers think the milky way galaxy is made of caramel...
I had thought that I'd just go out and ask one. Yes, we have a few here. Then I decided against it because I don't like violence.
You studying psychology? Schizophrenic people may even tell you theres an apple under that caramel.... all in all... Great question....lol.
I wonder if they think Mars is flat too? They've seen those pics. Flar-Marsers. Lol. People from "around" the whole world join in the Flat-Earthers group.
They think it's flat like a dinner plate.
Pretty sure that mars is red because its surface is heavily dusted with doritos spicy nacho cheese flavor. Lol
Caramel is sugar. The milky way is made of cheese, because it's just really old milk.
Lol.. I like you.