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Similar to my own story. Prior to finding Ingersoll as a teen, I thought I may have been the only non-believer there was.

Reignmond 7 Apr 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I found Ingersoll about 20 years ago. It took me a while to come out of my previous indoctrination. As for atheists and non-believers I recall that I once thought god had killed O'Hair because she did not believe in him. This is how ignorant believers can become and it also shows why we continue to have believers.

From my own perspective, it seemed very illogical to think that everyone else was crazy and that I, a kid, was the only sane one. But...

My grandmother (we called her Grammy, and now my kids call me Grammy) thought that M. Murray O'Hair was a wicked evil woman. My Grammy is likely rolling in her grave that I am an atheist. I am not a fan of O'Hair, I think she was too strident and aggressive, but I don't think she was any more evil or wicked than many xians I know.

@HippieChick58 I quite dislike O'Hair, but unlike with christians, we Atheists admit she was one of us

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