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I've always consider the human species to be more of a legged virus intent upon destroying the whole ecosystem before finally devouring itself but 'chemical scum' has a catchy ring to it.

SnowyOwl 8 Apr 23

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A narcissistic offspring of pond scum, blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria. Your choice.

I'll go with the scum that grows off the tendrils of pond scum for One Thousand, Alex. It's the Daily Double! lol


If the entire solar system disappeared it would not be noticed within the vast Milky Way Galaxy. I found that if the Earth were the size of a grain of salt (0.004 inches) the diameter of the Milky Way Galaxy would be about 5.1 million miles. I can find lots of comparisons on the web of the solar system to our galaxy. We are somewhere within the vast cold silence of interstellar space, inconsequential in the scale of things.

And still we are the only blue dot of life that we can confirm has life on it and we treat it like a toilet because so many of the human population believe that a sky faery is coming to save them from their stupidity and hatred and cruelty to all life on this Earth. It's enough to make angel weep, if only they existed.


Life is just an advanced form of erosion.
Ancient cyanobacteria converted our atmosphere from CO2 to O2, so it's part of natural terraforming which should be considered erosion.
All that carbon was taken to ground in each of the little cyanobacteria corpses.
Think coal and oil deposits, they're huge.

I very much doubt that this planet will shed a tear at our passing from our own stupidity but only go about repopulating itself with new life forms that will be better than humans, but I'm an optimist so maybe something less grand is in the future, just not for humans.


I recall a time when some of us thought that all the other planets were out there just to keep our planet up and in orbit. Oh, we were really special.

Definitely Special Needs for the most part. 🙂

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