Are you aware of the baby Alfie case currently in the UK? The parents are fighting a legal battle to prevent a hospital from removing life support from their child who has a degenerative neurological condition ultimately incompatible with life. The baby has been in hospital since 2016 with no hope of recovery or improvement. The hospital want to begin end of life care and allow the child to die with some dignity. His parents understandably desperate and inconsolable have been searching for a cure. In steps a hard line far right Christian organisation, telling the parents about miracle cures. They are a homophobic, anti abortion group who have represented a nanny who was sacked for calling her gay employers sinful and b&b owners who discriminated against a gay couple. Truly awful people. Doctors at the hospital have been threatened. Supporters of the group have threatened to set off fire alarms in the morning hospital possibly disrupting care to other desperately sick children at the hospital. They have spread misinformation on Facebook saying that the hospital has given the baby poor quality of care. It's a horrible tragic situation for the family but this organisation is monstrous! It astounds me what they have thus far gotten away with.
I agree with others who said this should have been resolved a long time ago. It's gone far past the point of allowing the child to die with dignity. Parenthetically, I find it odd when Christians want to prolong life artificially yet accuse others who want to turn off machines that are artificially maintaining a body of 'playing god'.
DESPICABLE! We'd heard of this here but I didn't realize it was still a continuing battle. What will happen? (I'm pretty sure we all know what SHOULD happen!)
Is life absent compassion for that life
If you so support life in principal that you insist people suffer in endless medically induced torment, how are you not creating a new, medical, hell for people?
This is where the Authoritarian Roots of Christianity conflict with the more evolved traits of Compassion in it adherents, and can twist the good to do the despicable, while fervently believing they are doing good, standing up for the rights of those who cannot fight for themselves, seeing themselves as noble
and blind to the torment they cause that small frail life.
Didn't someone once say "forgive them father, they know not what they do"?
That is really grim. I didn't realise they were christians I just heard they weren't supported by the family. They are vermin. Not sure what treatment they thought he was going to get abroad either. I haven't once heard what his condition is other than neurological.. There have been cases like the one a few years back the same where the proton beam therapy helped that kid and did save his life. I think Italy he was treated and another family went on the run and did same. It's complex.. That is available here now though. They are really young too so they are going to be really vulnerable aren't they in that state .. really open to manipulation.. Uk is lke th dark ages sometimes .. !!
Yet another example of some religious whackjobs sticking their noses where they don't belong.
This child should have been allowed to die a long time ago. His parents are being manipulated by charlatans.
Not to mention, they're already delusional religutards. Poor kid didn't have a chance.