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"I want a world where the democrats will put somebody up there worth voting for!"

~ Lt. Frank Drebin

WilliamCharles 8 May 4

Enjoy being online again!

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The Democrats screwed up over and over again in 2021.

It looks like the Election is in the bag for Republicans in 2022.

But it looks like they may have snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory.

BD66 Level 8 May 5, 2022

But they don't. If your options are lose autonomy over your own body or something else, that something else only has to be slightly better. We're not talking about just two bad options here, we're taking about something that is untenable from the Republicans. Would it be nice if he Democrats were better than they are? Of course. Am I an idiot like the Bernie Bros that voted for Trump out of spite and fucked over all of the women in their lives? Nope.


Bless ole Frank Drebin, Leslie Nielson's dim-witted detective! I miss him, but as usual, he may be a nitwit, but he stumbles upon the truth sometimes, just the same.... Bernie is about the only person in congress who regularly speaks the truth about what's wrong, too bad he isn't really serious about radically changing anything. I lost my faith in Bernie after he gave up so easily this last time when he had Biden practically beaten and then sucked up to the Dem leadership, all for the mostly symbolic chairmanship of the Senate Budget Committee, but no real power like Schumer or Pelosi in DC. We needed a third party from him a long time ago and now it's too late for that to happen and save us.

As usual, the Dems are too little, too late, because who really thought they ever cared in the first place about poor or colored women and girls? I know I never thought they actually did, beyond the posturing and grandstanding of The Squad.....


Bernie Sanders

Congress must pass legislation that codifies Roe v. Wade as the law of the land in this country NOW. And if there aren’t 60 votes in the Senate to do it, and there are not, we must end the filibuster to pass it with 50 votes.


We will never elect a candidate like Bernie Sanders, I'd like to say Republicans are to blame. But it's really the corporate dems and the dems that say and vote "blue no matter who". Voting like that and voting against a candidate is what's halting progress. If we choose to not vote for these corporate dems like biden and Hillary maybe the DNC will learn to nominate a real progressive.

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