Republicans keep trumpeting statements about "values" as though they were the custodians and protectors of all that moral and all that matters. Bit the measure of the values that a person or an organization truly holds is to be found in actions, NOT words.
What values do Republican politicians and operatives truly uphold? With all of their misrepresentations, misinformation, and outright lies, hey certainly do not value honesty and truth. When their statements in one context and the opposite in another, thy do not show integrity. with their attempts to fraudulently steal elections, to gerrymander districts and to disenfranchise Democratic voters, in no way can they claim to uphold fair play or to value true democracy.
With attempted insurrections and attempt to bypass or ignore constitutional provisions, they do not show adherence to our constitution. When they attempt to invoke inane and pernicious "culture wars" rather than attending to the needs of our people and nation, they do not show concern for our people or nation. When their strategy in Congress is to obstruct and delay to try to make government less effective and to make Democrats look ineffective they do not show concern for our people and nation, they do not show commitment to carrying out their constitutional role. When they stood by ad Let Trump almost destroy our international defense alliances and international relations without criticism, they showed that they do not value national defense or international relations.
What do the actions of today"s Republican politicians and operative show that they value?The answer is simple They the holding and protection of existing privilege above action on behalf of ALL our people. They value their personal and partisan power which they use to enhance their own status and wealth and of their party They value maximum profit at any cost, regardless of the consequences for others.
Please help in passing on this message as often and as widely as possible. Our people and our democracy simply cannot withstand much further abuse at the hands of a morally bankrupt political party.
Your post is correct but incomplete. Everything you said about the Republican party applies equally to the Democrat party.
Is this the truth or is it an alternative fact? Sometimes the Dems become Dims but I do not see the GOP upholding anything about democracy.
@DenoPenno There are no such things as "alt. facts". If you can't see that both parties lie frequently, you are not paying much attention.
Literally for decades I've heard that Republicans are the party of "family values" but I really don't know what that means to them. I hardly see any positive values that Republicans uphold. I've seen plenty of racism and bigotry, a constant attempt to gain control of our government through any means, an ongoing war against minorities, gays, women's rights, and trans people. I've seen them support and protect the wealthiest people of this country again and again. I've heard them spread harmful lies over and over.
I absolutely do not understand what draws people toward the Republican party.
Trump owns the Republican Party, and Putin owns Trump. Many Republicans operate by the dishonesty, dirty tricks and win-at-all-costs play-books before Putin. But, now that Putin directs Fox content and Trump, fascism is the rule of the day.
Understanding Putin's beachhead into the GQP explains the complete loss of accountability, which remains obscured, thanks to the Justice Department.
(Which, we can see all too clearly has also been co-opted. The proof is how Wray kept his job after 1/6, the Russia counter-investigations continued, and none of the higher-ups have been indicted.)
The Republicans have condemning themselves by their own words for decades. I see the issue as being people who are blind and deaf to the evil that the Republicans peddle.
Well…. The republicans freed the slaves and the democrats created the KKK as an arm to enforce their policies.
So there’s that….
Is it not ironic that 150 years later, the two parties have almost ompletely reversed roles?????
Only because CNN told you such things.
In the end; the republicans are talking about equality (Trump got more votes than any republican) and one party is screaming racism from any corner they can pick up a penny.
@CourtJester As usual,k you are ridiculous. NO ONE tells me what to think. I have reached those conclusions based on truth and reality. Try them on for size!
@BD66 our post is off base, both historically and factually. 150 tears ago as 1872. The Civil WAr was over, Slavery had been outloawed, Republicans had passed civil rights amendments to enable minorities. They also wanted to give all former slaves 40 acres abd a nule to allow them to sart with something. Republicans wanted to pursue Lincoln's vision of government of, by and for the people.
Demiocrats ifd he era wanted to limit ad rescrict civil rights of minority groups and to "keep blanks in their place."
Today it is extreme right wing Republicans who want to limit ad restrict minority civil rights. Today's KKK members are ALL Republicans or independents. it is the Republicans who are enacting voiting restyrictions to limit minority group voting. It is the Republicans who are tryihng to stop educatiiobn wh8ich accurately discusses bigotry and discrimination in American history. They are seeking to find replacements for the poll tax. Throughout the Republican south, civil rights figures are still breing threated and harassed.
Therem, fellow is the irony. You cannot deny that.
If no one tells you what to think and you just think that on your own; that says much less about you as a coherent human.
@CourtJester I am coherent enough to have earned graduate degrees and to have earned state and national recognition for my wprkl. as we;; as havingh [pub;lished over 20 professional articles, two full sets of educational training materials. What have you done?
I’m a doctor. Today we saved two but I had to tell two families that there was no possibility for improvement. As score keeping goes, it was a wash really. I haven’t done much with my life.
@CourtJester I do not believe you. Your belief patterns, as expressed in your posts, does not show the intelligence of a hysician.
That’s okay, but I can promise you with 100% certainty that the bedside manor of every doctor and nurse is far different from their actual personality when they walk out of the hospital.