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They never said they would never change the did they really lie?

Supreme Court Justices ‘Make Lying Fun’ In Supercut Of Past Roe V. Wade Claims

Shaggy2018 7 May 6

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If the justices really lied...actually said they would never overturn set precedent cases like Roe, you would think there would be more of an uproar about their lies. But I don't think they actually said they would not overturn the case(s). They simply said, "roe was the law of the land" and they would respect that. What no one heard was, the ...until we overturn it part.


Ever since Robert Bork got rejected for the court, the Repub nominees for the court have just gone ahead and lied in the confirmation hearings about their views. Since none of them ever suffered consequences for it, and the Dems kept confirming them, why should they stop doing it? The whole confirmation hearing process is a sick joke. The nominees lie, the senators posture and sometimes lie too. The whole thing should just be done without a hearing and just be a straight vote, since the senators already have ample opportunity to talk to and investigate the nominees before they vote on them. The hearings are a waste of time and the public would have more respect for the process if they just had the vote without them.


No. They do what lawyers do, hedge their remarks so they can't be removed for lying. Almost all humans do this. Only Americans fall for it, apparently.

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