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I think the people who come to this site who are closet believers are here for a bit of a thrill. Xstians especially just love to feel naughty and edgy by doing crazy and rebellious things like say, trying to have an independent thought in their heads. lol

SnowyOwl 8 May 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Your evidence?

Oh, opinion. You are allowed opinions.

Why yes I am entitled to my opinion as much as you are entitled to yours. Indeed it was a statement of opinion and not a statement of fact but you can take from it what you will.


What is their camouflage? Are they posing as agnostics or atheists? Can't say I've met any atheists here who are closet religionists. Some new age type universe huggers arrive occasionally, pseudo-religionists, but they're mostly harmless.

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