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1 million deaths
Remembering the lives lost to COVID-19 in America


TheoryNumber3 8 May 16

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Very few Americans care. I only care about how many more of the unvaxed died vs the vaxed (largely Dems) and that's for political reasons. More Cons seem to have died so I'm happy.


250,000 died needlessly because of politicized vaccine resistance (per Fauci).

I totally believe it was higher than that. There are still people who think Covid isn't real. It must be nice to live their life with their head up their ass.

@TheoryNumber3 Those that died because of politicized vaccine resistance got their Darwin award. I suspect Fauci's number was a guess, and many more died because of other politicized misinformation. Perhaps they didn't exactly deserve to die, but those that care about the truth won't miss them much.


Imagine how many there would have been if the PUSTULE had been reelected?

With our luck, everyone but him.
Pustule? LMAO!!

@TheoryNumber3 Yes...the pustule! squeeze him and disgusting stuff comes out of the ''head.''

@LucyLoohoo Well at least there's something in that noggin

@TheoryNumber3 Malignant narcissism.

@LucyLoohoo Yes. That and a completely lack of accountability for anything


And the real number is probably higher.

... or lower.

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