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True story. A guy I know called Riggsy was up before the beak and got sentenced to 100 hours of community service. "What does that entail?" he asked.
The magistrate looked at him and said "You will be at the service of the community."
"Yes but what does that entail?"
"It could be lots of things"
"Like what?"
"You could be picking up litter"
"Will I be given training for that?
"Will I be given training for that or do I just pick it up as I go along?
He got sentenced to an extra 100 hours

273kelvin 8 Apr 26

Enjoy being online again!

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With a smart ass answer like that, he was asking for it.

A coward dies a thousand deaths. A brave man only one.
He reckoned it was worth it.


Not the brightest spark lol

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