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Modern day xianity

HippieChick58 9 May 26

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That describes christainity to an tee. I'm so glad I left it nearly 5 years ago.

what took you so long?

@HippieChick58 being raised in it. If I was introduced to it as an adult I do think it would have stuck. You know the religious want brain wash you why your young. I started to question the bs at 31, but didn't go through with leaving it behind until 10 years later.

@freedom41 I was not immersed in it when I was young, we didn't go to church often. Xian was the default in our small midwestern town. As an adult I got involved in the church, we were a military family and the chapel was welcoming and a good way to make connections for a SAHM with small kids. I saw through the BS after a while and totally left about 10 years ago. As a family we did get some good support from the church, but ex went totally brain dead and he is still ultra conservative xian, the kids mostly turned out non religious.


I thought it said "insanity" when I first read it. The two are kind of interchangeable.


True but there are many who not only still live in the dark ages, but also think that he dark ages are the best place to live.

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