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Based on what has been reported, should the Waffle House shooter have had access to guns? If not, how could we make sure he doesn't?

schwinnrider 6 Apr 26

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This is a travesty that involves the FBI not doing their job and stupidly giving the guns back to a member of the family for "safekeeping"...who does that! If you think about it, the father is probably someone who believes everyone has a right to have a gun....even if they are mentally ill, so he gives back the weapons to the son who uses them to commit mass murder. Now to make matters worse, the laws in TN are such that there is nothing on the books that would allow law enforcement to charge the father with a crime just for returning the guns. He would have had to know that the shooter was going to act out in this manner. The shooter had already has his firearm license revoked in IL but it didn't follow him to TN. Can you see how screwed up our system is when it comes to protecting us from these idiots. For starters I would fire the jerk at the FBI who made the decision to give those guns to the father. They should have kept them, and he should have had to get a court order to have them returned. This makes my head want to explode!

What I was aiming for is discussion of the fact that there are no means in place to remove weapons from people in most of the country and at the federal level. Obviously (to me) he should not have had access to guns. But it's going to be incredibly difficult to get any laws passed to keep them away from people like him.

Federal laws that allow these firearm revocations to be universally applied. Laws that allow law enforcement to remove guns permanently from those who should not have them and then they must get a court order to get them back. A ban on these military style weapons and corresponding ammunition so that when this type of weapon is confiscated, it can be destroyed and never returned. As long as the NRA is buying our lawmakers, it will be difficult to make any changes. I'm now a single issue voter.


No the father never should have given them back. The father should be charged with assistant murder.


AmeriKKKa and Prevention are not on equal footing.


His guns were taken away. It was his father that gave them back, and he needs to be charged too.


By banning most guns

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