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I see so many couples having families and going about things business as usual. I can’t be the only one that thinks these folks have to be foolish, and or incredibly selfish, to be purposely having kids, when global warming appears to be headed for such a catastrophic conclusion for life on earth.

I have no reason to believe that the entire global scientific community is lying about climate change, while the fossil fuel oligarchs are telling it “like it is”….👀. Therefore I wholeheartedly believe the scientists.

Fact is, science predicted most of the severe weather we’ve seen already. I’ve watched their concerns unfold before my own eyes over the last 30 years, regardless of the right insisting time and again that the scientists have been wrong?!!🤔
We appear to have already reached the tipping point of no return, and are still no where NEAR reaching carbon emissions goals required to avert said tipping point.

I for one wouldn’t consider having children right now for two reasons! Firstly, the world will likely become uninhabitable in their lifetimes, if they live to be seniors. Secondly, the last thing the world needs right now is MORE effin people to add to carbon emissions!
Rant over……🤠

Aaron70 8 June 8

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but...but...It's a HOAX right ? (according to the right. who don't have cognitive reasoning skills)

Leetx Level 7 June 8, 2022
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