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Opinion: The US and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War. It's not 'Siding With Putin' To Admit It.


LovinLarge 8 June 11

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Not much is black and white, clear cut, in this world.
The amount of crap Russia has put up with since they stopped the oil convoys in Syria has been phenomenal. This and NATO's intervention in many countries, absorbing more and more countries as it continued to expand East towards Russia since 1991. It is my belief the recent Olympics was the straw that broke Putin's back ie the unjustified humiliation of Russians became too much for him. So he recognised the breakaway regions in Ukraine and moved in to defend those people. This all appeared somewhat justifiable to me as the populations of those regions were somewhat shell weary with a real threat of further violence. But Russian forces then moved on Ukraine proper which imo was totally unjustifiable. That aggression was not required.

Putin has unfortunately turned rabid and needs to be put down. Just want Russians to do it and hope whoever is next does not prove to be a case of "better the devil you know".

When the USSR fell, NATO should have been disbanded or reworked to include Russian forces as they requested at the time. When Libya was destroyed allowing mass migration to Europe NATO should have been disbanded.
I have no love of NATO, nor do I support Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
What really annoys me is things like charity Ads for Ukraine splattered all over the media yet no mention of refugees from places like Yemen, food shortages in Afghanistan etc.
Not much is black and white, clear cut, in this world.

puff Level 8 June 11, 2022

What bullshit. All Russia has ever had to do is take care of it's people, something it has never done in it's entire history, and work on fair traid with the rest of the world. That is really what all countries need to do. Someone tell who in the Hell has ever been a threat to attack Russia since the end of WWII, NOBODY, that's who.


Sweden and Finland applying for Nato membership disproves that it was because Ukraine might do the same some day.

Mass murdering ethnic Russians disproves that it was related to seeking to rescue them.

Fostering White supremacy in Russia, France, Hungary, the US and elsewhere proves its wasn't about Nazis.

That the war has become tightly focused on those tracts of land containing oil and gas reserves proves that the war was all about greed (Perhaps with a touch of egomania of being remembered as a great leader of Russia).

Again, review this:

Do you know who produced that video and about how long it is please? I could not find them.

Looks like Curiosity Stream. The video runs 39 minutes, but several minutes at the start and end are advertising/self-promotion.

@racocn8 Okay thank you, I will watch it tonight and then consider your comments.

@racocn8 So with respect to the video only, Curiosity Stream is only a video streaming platform. It did not produce the video and the video contains no information about who did. It appears to have been produced by one person as the narrator refers to his production of this video in the first person. The reason this is important goes to credibility.

I watched it anyway at your request and although it takes an anti-Russian approach, I really don't have any reason to doubt the factual content even though it contained no supporting evidence. I would not be surprised at the accuracy of the factual representations about oil being behind the invasion of Ukraine. The video also shows that US oil interests in Ukraine are jeopardized by this war, so those who think that the US involvement is solely in order to defend a sovereign country are mistaken.

Thank you for posting this video. If accurate, it is very informative on the geological aspect of the invasion of Ukraine. Next I will address my article and your comments about it.

@racocn8 I was born in the US and returned in 2006, raised and educated in Canada. I am thankful for the opportunities to have lived inside and outside the US. I am a proud anti-theist and democratic socialist. I am anti-war under all circumstances. Having lived outside the US for 37 years, I am not compelled to side with US when the US is wrong. The US is not the greatest country in the world.

The Russian Interest in Ukraine is no different than the US interest so I don't see how we can fault them for it, although I do fault them for their method and in no way support the invasion. I also don't support the US pouring $100 million dollars each day into Ukraine to escalate the violence rather than promote peace. If the the US truly had Ukraine's interest at heart, we would facilitate settlement negotiations.

Here is more on how the US and NATO helped trigger the Ukraine invasion. How could the US clearing the way for Ukraine to enter NATO not be seen as threatening to Russia? is one of the few who can be objective when more Americans aren't:



When I was 3 my parents divorced.
By the logic presented here I have to admit their divorce was my fault.

Do you have any experience in international relations? I do not, although I have lived internationally.

@LovinLarge I do, in 1980 my teeth were damaged by a group of Russian sailors from a big White Russian “research” ship that attacked a group of us in Mauritius. We went into aggressive negotiations. I’ve been paying close attention to Russians ever since.
I was also married to a Bulgarian for 14 years and went to visit in-laws a few times, which always involves being annoyed by Russians that think of Bulgaria as some kind of Cancun.

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