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Dems denied Hunter Biden's laptop even existed, and claimed it was Russian propaganda. Now we have the FBI raiding houses after Ashley Bidens's diary. Only a few pieces of information have been released from that diary, and they are very disturbing. I wouldn't be surprised if there are multiple pedophiles in the Biden family, including biden himself. But we the public never actually find out the truth, its always hidden or not brought up on mainstream media.

Tejas 8 June 21

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Facts??... Your source??...... Otherwise just another right wing distraction


The funniest part is the liberals that won’t even look at the facts.
I’m still waiting to see Epstein’s client list.

I'm sure we will see Clinton as a frequent flyer. Along with many other celebrities and politicians.

@Tejas " Epstein, great guy. Loves to party. likes them young though" Donald J Trump


You believe all that yet you have zero evidence. Are you a born again christian?

I don't believe in anything without evidence.


Why should I care what's on Hunter's laptop? If it's anything illegal, then prosecute him. The fact that YOU wouldn't be surprised if there are multiple pedophiles in the Biden family is not a crime. Facts are our friends.

Deb57 Level 8 June 21, 2022
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