Have you ever had someone ask you what religion you were raised in as a child before you became an Atheist and once they find out they refer to you as being of that religious background even though they know you are an Atheist and have no religious background. I find it quite frustrating when people just try to negate my position and impose their own over top of it.
It’s not that you remain on their lists or rolls. It’s their indoctrination they did on you from birth that in some ways stay with you. Emotional control over rationality. Being raised Catholic with 12 yrs of Catholic elementary and 4 yrs of Catholic college, I drifted away slowly with no regrets. But find my moral center heavily influenced by Catholicism.
I was in Florida (Bible Belt area) last year and someone asked me what church I attended. They did not know I'm an agnostic.
I have been lucky in that respect. Was raised in a very non-religious house hold. Flirted a bit with "christian insanity. Used to read the gideon bible when I was on the road and holed up in motels. That woke me up. Have been an atheist ever since. What angers me or maybe I should say saddens me is when people hear of my total lack of belief, they insult me by saying " I will pray for you." But I guess if it gives them a warm fuzzy, what the heck?
Perhaps you have uncovered the underlying motive of the Gideons, they are distributing bibles so that more people will read them and become Atheists.
No, religion and religious types have never been a big problem for me.
My last boss, who knew I wasn't religious, had a good laugh once: Someone in a library had misfiled a Bible, in the fiction section. He thought that was hilarious.
Misfiled or filed correctly?
@Surfpirate Correctly, I thought.
I can't see that it matters, or is anything to get upset about. Your background is what it is. How you are now is a different matter. I was brought up a Quaker and i don't mind people knowing that - I think it probably influenced a lot of my social and political beliefs. But now I am an atheist and people know that. If they find my background interesting, that fine. i am happy to talk about it. But it doesn't alter what I am now.
The funny thing is I didn't have a religious household myself. When they find this out it becomes a pity party on their part. I've had a few "Oh you poor dear" type comments with a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. I usually tell them I am not poor in that sense as I had been encouraged to learn about differences, and had a wealth of knowledge and understanding in those areas that have been far more realistic and helpful to me. I have told them if they need to feel sorry for someone, focus on hungry children and the elderly. Do something to help them. I'm fine, quite good in fact.
To many believers, their theism is merely cultural. It is their tribe, not so much their belief system.
If this is a fundamentalist on the other hand it may be that they just are trying to relieve their own cognitive dissonance. But in my experience they are happy to allow you to be an atheist, it's just that they'll demonize you for it.
I'd much rather be demonized for my own Atheists beliefs than to be saddled with the cult beliefs that were never mine to choose in the first place and that I formally rejected at the age of 13 when I was allowed to do so under the cult doctrine.
It's not new.
I know people who still insist on calling Hitler a lapsed Catholic, still a Catholic, just a very bad Catholic.
True the bastard was raised a Catholic, and made deals with Pope Pius XII to have Church Cannon Law imposed via the Reich Concordant, but Hitler had been a member of the Thule society since the early 1930s so basically was a form of secular esoteric Teutonist. Not an actual atheist but certainly not a "Lapsed Catholic"
Catholicism is, like certain other Christian denominations impossible to leave. Once your parents have you Christened as far as they are concerned you are in for life (and after life) there was a case a few years ago where an ex Mormon went through the set procedure to have his name removed from the church roles, then discovered that he was Christened catholic as a child and tried to do the same.
Though the RC in the USA agreed to remove his name from all records in the US, they simply sent them to to the Vatican and proclaimed the US courts had no Jurisdiction over records kept there.
You're baptised a catholic without your permission, you remain a registered Catholic without your permission forever.
Anglicans will remove your information from computer records, if you ask, but will keep a hard copy of your baptism on file forever, whether you like or not.
So Technically I suppose even as a active anti-theist I am STILL in the eyes of the church a Methodist, just yet another level of delusional behaviour by the religious!
My father's side of the family was Catholic, and I often heard the saying, "once a Catholic, always a Catholic".
I suppose that's the interesting thing with the JW's, you have to reach the age of 13 before you can choose to be baptized and since I chose against that as soon as I reached what they consider the age of majority they do not accept me as a JW at all, it is if I never went to their Kingdom Hall twice a week and knocked on peoples doors on the weekend trying to peddle their lies for them. So the JW's agree with my position but many other christians do not, how ironic.
@Surfpirate In that situation, have they told your family to shun you?