I just kinda stay in a pissed off mood: U.S. Supreme Court takes aim at separation of church and state
SCOTUS has become another political arm. They are using their so called powers of translations into become ones of weaponry.
Their evil deeds are far from done. [nbcnews.com]
I've been pissed off for thirty years. I'm starting to run out.
If we find in the future that church and state are no longer separated the only action is to tax the churches. This move also brings up the anger I have when the school wants to teach my Johnny all about Jebus. I will have a different belief about Jebus than what they are wanting to teach him. WOW! Would this idea really open up a big can of worms.
The coach had left the state. The case was clearly taken to institute the Christian nationalist agenda.
. . . better to be pissed-off than to be pissed-on
@Gwendolyn2018 . . . no shortage of pro-lifers who think they were 'pissed-on' for the last 40+ years.
Elections have consequences.
I hope women/minorities will be sufficiently pissed-off in Nov and 2024 and elect others to support pro-choice efforts.
I'm staying pissed off.
I can maintain this through this November, and through 2024.
As long as it takes.
Everyone needs to stay angry and let it motivate them to work to correct this bullshit.
We must all vote in the midterms.
We must vote out ALL republicans, at EVERY level.
They're trying to pack local levels with republicans.
Get them ALL out.
Frustration and hopelessness/helplessness cannot be permitted to keep any of us from doing everything we can to turn this around.
It's not too late, YET.
We got Gerrymandered into a 95%Maga district.
You can clock that up as dead and buried until at least three Justices are dead or too sick mentally to serve. By then, depending on how the 2022 and 2024 elections go, we will be in a contest with the Taliban and Iran to see who enforces Sharia law the best and how many beheadings and stoning take place in a month.
@Gwendolyn2018 one much different than the one we fought for in our youth. All the gains in human rights we gained will need to be fought for another time.
@Gwendolyn2018 It makes me even more relieved and glad that I never had kids..
@Gwendolyn2018 I share your feelings of hopelessness. I think people our age are going to spend our remaining years as mostly helpless witnesses of a dystopian nightmare of which we are also victims in it.
@Gwendolyn2018 Indeed..