I was listening to a video about sex in the middle ages when the conversation turned to Thomas Aquinas. The commentator talked about his believes. I was struck by how similar they were to the apparent beliefs of the other Thomas, Clarance of the Supreme Court.
Thomas Aquinas wrote at great lengths about which sexual acts were most sinful. The only ones that more acceptable were sex between married couples for the purpose of procreating children. Any other sexual acts were sinful and forbidden by the church.
Clarence Thomas wants to overturn Griswold vs. Connecticut, in which the Supreme Court said married couples have the right to obtain contraceptives; Lawerence v. Texas, which established the right to engage in private sexual acts; and Obergefell v. Hodges, which said there is a right to same-sex marriage.
So when we say that the Supreme Court wants to take us back to the middle ages it is not figurative; it is literal. They want to impose upon the entire country the morals of European middle ages.
Others must have mentioned it, but there's an old point to be made here, as to the allegations against Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearings.
"...Hill was called before the Judiciary Committee and testified that ten years earlier Thomas had subjected her to comments of a sexual nature, which she felt constituted sexual harassment — in her words "behavior that is unbefitting an individual who will be a member of the Court."[76][77][78][79] Hill's testimony included lurid details, and some senators questioned her aggressively.[80][81] Hill accused Thomas of, among other things, making two sexually offensive remarks to her: he compared his own penis on that of Long Dong Silver, a black pornstar, and he claimed to have discovered a pubic hair on his Coca-Cola can.[82]
Thomas was recalled before the committee. He denied the allegations, saying:[83]
> This is not an opportunity to talk about difficult matters privately or in a closed environment. This is a circus. It's a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, as far as I'm concerned it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree.[84]
Throughout his testimony, Thomas defended his right to privacy. He made it clear that he was not going to put his personal life on display for public consumption, permit the committee (or anyone else) to probe his private life, or describe discussions that he may have had with others about his private life. The committee accepted his right to do so.[82]
How does the GOP explain their going along with all these new proposals concerning sex and their control thereof when they all threw such a "hissy-fit" when they were asked to wear a mask in an attempt to control the spread of a deadly disease just last year?
So every couple that engages in oral sex should be ARRESTED and SENT TO PRISON...makes perfect sense
I bet Anita Hill can give you a list of all of those Thomas Aquinas rules Clarance violated.
He might not even be a Supreme Court Justice if his original judge appointment by the Purina family so he could rule favorably for that Purina family as a district judge had been more exposed.
You will have to give Clarence credit for being loyal to his benefactors.
Things appear to be heading in that direction. Neighbor spying up on neighbor and reporting to our American Taliban, checking to see what you received in the mail and from whom, no crossing state lines for Womens Healthcare, Imagine a roadblock where people in the car are showing I.D. and they find a pregnant woman in the car and make it known that she had better still be pregnant when they return. Packages from Canada and elsewhere will be checked and x-rayed because we need no pills mailed in of any kind that match birth control or morning after, or chemical abortion. Lots of new jobs opening up here and it is really not what it seems. It is all about power.
And tribe.
The Catholic church still teaches that sex is for procreation and even those unable to conceive must be "open" to conception. Right now Catholics, the supreme court justices, are the greatest threat to freedom in this country.
Depends on the culture. There are a lot of liberal American Catholics. Technically many of them are no longer Catholics according to most bishops and canon law. The conservative Catholics on the supreme court represent Opus Dei, a very conservative movement within the church but also heavily represented among the bishops and the vatican.
@Gwendolyn2018 They, the catholics, back then did not take this to be true. To much fun and to hell with the church with the exception of Sundays, just like today.