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BREAKING NEWS: U.K. P.M. Boris Johnson to resign as leader of Conservative Party: he will make a resignation statement later this morning from Downing Street.

It appears the overwhelming weight of resignations and letters telling him to go from his own cabinet ministers, backbenchers and Conservative Party members has proved too great, even for Boris, to resist any longer!

Marionville 10 July 7

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Better Off Resigning In Shame

The man has no shame….doesn’t know the meaning of the word!

Do you honestly think he can change his spots?

@Marionville It’s a noun: “A painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behaviour”. Pass it on.

@Marionville No, he most certainly doesn't. Cut from the same scump cloth as I see it.


Is a 22 Committee decision part of the constitution? . What Constitution? We will never know because I do not think it is part of the plan now, Boris could say he was forced out by "Events , Dear Boy"

The 1922 committee is a caucus of Conservative backbench MPs. It represents the views of the Conservative Parliamentary Party. So not part of the country's constitution, just the Tory party.


Momentous Day but uncertainties remain (as a remainer)

It makes no difference to the Brexit decision…whoever is Tory leader ….we’re out and that’s a fact. Even if there was a General election…Labour under Keir Starmer would not campaign for a rejoining of the EU.

@Marionville The severing of the link between UK and Europe gas been barbed and the damage is not yet corrected . A comparison evaluation of the strengths or weaknesses of the bond, so that we might judge intelligently whether to reform the link, is fruitless .We could work on it and re-evaluate.

@Mcflewster The Irish border issue and the Northern Ireland protocol certainly needs fixing…and fast!


Well Yippee, the most obnoxious P.M. since Blair is going, but of course there is always a danger that his replacement will turn out to be electable.

I think he wants to stay in No 10 until the autumn….he needs to be made to get out right away! If they allow him to stay until they elect a new leader he will be a pernicious influence and may even try to stay in power by sabotaging the leadership race. That is why we have a deputy leader…Dominic Raab, much as I detest him too, should carry on as temporary PM in the meantime.

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