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I'm not saying that the theory of evolution is fool proof and water tight as an explanation for the development of life, there could be a better theory that new data will help to bring to light BUT a magic man creating life the universe and everything in 6 days is not even plausible in my mind.

SnowyOwl 8 July 21

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If you want to challenge a theory you have to come up with a better one. So far you have started with a conclusion -your end point . So let us hear the start of the theory. Magic is not a theory anyone would listen to except if you wre an illusionist.

What I said is that I hold open the possibility that a better theory or an improved version of the Theory of Evolution is a possibility, that's why it is called a theory although we accept it as fact. Magic is a theory that has been disproven. I did not contest the theory of evolution I only allowed for the possibility of future data to contest it, that's what a Scientific Theory is.

@SnowyOwl I agree - a better scientific attitude. To replace one you need to think of any cracks in the old theory of evolution. Any suggestions?

@Mcflewster Did you even read the original post? I have no idea where you are trying to segue to but it's off topic and irrelevant. Maybe you should make a post about this for yourself and then you can deal with the responses.

@SnowyOwl I think the problem is that although you say"I'm not saying that the theory of evolution " I am not sure what you ARE saying about evolution that might be wrong and lead to another theory . Plausibility of a theory is only one test. It must come up with practical observations that prove the theory.Are you anywhere near them?

@Mcflewster Actually, I think that the problem is You. Just my thoughts on the matter, actually.

@SnowyOwl Thank you for your opinion.


Those who make claims about irreducible complexity have irreducibly simple minds.

As a friend from the southern US likes to say about religious people wrestling with science, They don't like Science because it gives them Thinky Pains in their head.


Abiogenesis has yet to be fully understood, but the theory of evolution (common ancestry, adaptation and change over time) is sound.

And yet so many people still want to question or simply disbelieve the Theory of Evolution, often relying on a misunderstanding of what theory means in a scientific context.


Nothing in science is ever immune to new data, but there are very few, if any, scientific theories better supported by the evidence, including direct observation, than the theory of evolution. It is as reliable in making accurate predictions as any science is ever likely to be.

skado Level 9 July 21, 2022
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